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Plan to use moon for solar power
Plan to use moon for solar power

A Japanese construction company is proposing to solve the energy problems facing Japan, and ultimately the entire planet…

Comet ISON's dance with sun gives mixed signals

Comet ISON is teasing the solar system as it dances with the sun and it's giving astronomers mixed signals.

Icy comet zooms toward sun

For months, all eyes in the sky have pointed at the comet that's zooming toward a blisteringly close encounter with the…

Surprisingly sluggish sunspots

The surface of the sun has been surprisingly calm of late - with fewer sunspots than anytime in the last century - prompting…


Dev Sangha: Starts new life video Dev Sangha: Starts new life

Dev Sangha knows nothing will ever replace the wife…

Typhoon survivors determined to hope video Typhoon survivors determined to hope

One month after Super Typhoon Haiyan tore across the…

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Cosmic explosion a 'monster'
Cosmic explosion a 'monster'

Astronomers call it the monster. It was the biggest and brightest cosmic explosion ever witnessed. Had it been closer, Earth…

Star-gazers focus on sun-grazer
Star-gazers focus on sun-grazer

A visiting comet could disintegrate when it runs a scorching gauntlet past the sun, treating star-gazers to a flashy spectacle…

Satellite hits Atlantic - but what about the next one?
Satellite hits Atlantic - but what about the next one?

The European Space Agency says one of its research satellites re-entered the Earth's atmosphere on an orbit that passed…

Scientists expect satellite crash next week (+vid)
Scientists expect satellite crash next week (+vid)

The European Space Agency says its GOCE research satellite will crash to Earth on Sunday night or during the day on Monday…


One-tonne satellite to hit Earth
One-tonne satellite to hit Earth

A one-tonne satellite operated by the European Space Agency has run out of fuel and will fall back to…

Gwynne Dyer: India's Mars trip as vain as the rest

The Curse of Mars also applies to Asian countries, writes Gwynne Dyer. About two-thirds of the attempted missions to Mars…

India launches first mission to Mars

India has launched its first spacecraft bound for Mars, a complex mission that it hopes will demonstrate and advance technologies…

Milky Way rife with planets in habitable zone

The Milky Way galaxy is teeming with Earth-like planets that are not too hot and not too cold for liquid water to exist…

Massive meteorite pulled from lake
Massive meteorite pulled from lake

It flew across Russian skies and caused a ground-shaking shockwave that hurt 1200 in February. Now the…

Asteroid offers clues to possibility of life beyond our solar system

The remnants of a lost water world of rocks and oceans have been discovered by astronomers - who said they had found the…

Nasa's 'paranoid' ban on Chinese

Some prominent American astronomers are boycotting a meeting on exoplanets because Nasa has banned Chinese scientists from…

Japan launches new, cheaper rocket

Japan successfully launched a new rocket Saturday that it hopes will be a cheaper and more efficient way of sending satellites…

Kiwis' hands up for Mars mission

"Mum, Dad, I'm moving to Mars." It's an awkward conversation most of us can't ever conceive having - but one that Aucklander…

Probe has left solar system

NASA's Voyager 1 probe has left the solar system, boldly going where no machine has gone before.

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