List of universities in Australia

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The Commonwealth Higher Education Support Act 2003 sets out three groups of Australian higher education providers: Universities, other self-accrediting higher education institutions, and state and territory accredited higher education institutions. Students at all three types of institutions are eligible for FEE-HELP, an income-contingent loan to cover charges and fees.

Universities[edit source | edit]

Multi-campus[edit source | edit]

Australian Capital Territory[edit source | edit]

Flag of the Australian Capital Territory.svg

New South Wales[edit source | edit]

Flag of New South Wales.svg

Northern Territory[edit source | edit]

Flag Australia northern territory.png

Queensland[edit source | edit]

Flag of Queensland.svg

South Australia[edit source | edit]

Flag of South Australia.svg

Tasmania[edit source | edit]

Flag of Tasmania.svg

Victoria[edit source | edit]

Flag of Victoria (Australia).svg

Western Australia[edit source | edit]

Flag of Western Australia.svg

Other self-accrediting higher education institutions[edit source | edit]

Like universities, these institutions have the authority to accredit their own qualifications. However, they cannot use the title "University".[1]

State and territory accredited higher education institutions[edit source | edit]

Like universities, these institutions offer post graduate credentials at the Master's and/or Doctoral level. Unlike universities however, each qualification offered by these institutions offer must first be approved by the relevant state or territory authority. The accreditation of these institutions may be verified on the National Register of Higher Education Providers.

New South Wales[edit source | edit]

South Australia[edit source | edit]

Tasmania[edit source | edit]

Queensland[edit source | edit]

Victoria[edit source | edit]

Western Australia[edit source | edit]

Other private[edit source | edit]

Groupings of universities[edit source | edit]

Rankings of universities[edit source | edit]

Australian Universities featuring in the top 700 universities from the QS World University Rankings 2012–2013:[2]

National Rank University World Rank
1 Australian National University 24
2 University of Melbourne 36
3 University of Sydney 39
4 University of Queensland 46
5 University of New South Wales 52
6 Monash University 61
7 University of Western Australia 79
8 University of Adelaide 102
9 Macquarie University 233
10 RMIT University 246
11 Curtin University 258
12 University of Wollongong 264
13 University of Newcastle 268
14 Queensland University of Technology 281
15 University of Technology, Sydney 284
16 University of South Australia 293
17 Flinders University 342
18 University of Tasmania 357
19 James Cook University 362
20 Griffith University 368
21 La Trobe University 375
22 Bond University 380
23 Deakin University 417
24 Murdoch University 448
25 Swinburne University of Technology 496
26 University of Western Sydney 618

Australian Universities featuring in the top 400 universities from the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2012–2013:[3]

National Rank University World Rank
1 University of Melbourne 28
2 Australian National University 37
3 University of Sydney 62
4 University of Queensland 65
5 University of New South Wales 85
6 Monash University 99
7 University of Adelaide 176
8 University of Western Australia 190
9 Macquarie University 251–275
10 Queensland University of Technology 251–275
11 University of Newcastle 276–300
12 University of Wollongong 301–350
12 University of South Australia 301–350
12 Murdoch University 301–350
13 Charles Darwin University 351–400
13 University of Tasmania 351–400
13 Curtin University 351–400
13 Deakin University 351–400
13 Flinders University 351–400

Rankings from the 2012 Shanghai Jiao Tong University's Academic Ranking of World Universities:[4]

National Rank University World Rank
1 University of Melbourne 57
2 Australian National University 64
3 University of Queensland 90
4 University of Sydney 93
5 University of Western Australia 96
6–7 Monash University 101–150
6–7 University of New South Wales 101–150
8–9 Macquarie University 201–300
8–9 University of Adelaide 201–300
10–16 Flinders University 301–400
10–16 Griffith University 301–400
10–16 James Cook University 301–400
10–16 Swinburne University of Technology 301–400
10–16 University of Newcastle 301–400
10–16 University of Tasmania 301–400
10–16 University of Wollongong 301–400
17–19 Curtin University of Technology 401–500
17–19 La Trobe University 401–500
17–19 University of Technology Sydney 401–500

The following table shows the 2005 rankings of Australian universities published in The Australian newspaper. The scaling method used in preparing this league table had seven components:

  1. CEQ (Course Experience Questionnaire) generic skills: 17.91%
  2. CEQ good teaching: 18.5%
  3. CEQ overall satisfaction: 18.9%
  4. Students in full-time employment after they graduate: 11.48%
  5. Those that go on to full-time study: 10.29%
  6. Drop-out or attrition rates: 10.65%
  7. Student progress or pass rates: 12.26%
Rank University Score
1 University of Wollongong 34.24
2 Australian Maritime College 30.79
3 University of Melbourne 29.93
4 Swinburne University of Technology 29.33
5 University of Queensland 28.73
6 Australian National University 26.95
7 University of New England 25.56
8 University of Canberra 24.25
9 University of Ballarat 24.08
10 University of Sydney 23.93
11 Murdoch University 23.49
12 University of Western Australia 23.42
13 Australian Catholic University 22.73
14 Monash University 22.16
15 RMIT University 21.18
16 Macquarie University 19.96
17 Charles Sturt University 19.44
18 University of Technology, Sydney 18.72
19 Victoria University 18.65
20 University of the Sunshine Coast 18.44
21 Deakin University 18.35
22 Griffith University 18.25
23 Edith Cowan University 17.91
24 Curtin University of Technology 17.45
25 University of Newcastle 16.31
26 Flinders University 16.02
27 University of Southern Queensland 15.39
28 Southern Cross University 14.83
29 RMIT 14.49
30 James Cook University 14.17
31 Queensland University of Technology 13.67
32 University of New South Wales 13.56
33 University of Western Sydney 12.85
34 University of Tasmania 12.00
35 Central Queensland University 11.49

See also[edit source | edit]

References[edit source | edit]

  1. ^ "AQF Register". Australian Qualifications Framework. Retrieved 11 June 2012. 
  2. ^ "QS World University Rankings". Topuniversities. Retrieved 26 July 2012. 
  3. ^ "Top 400 - The Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2011-2012". Retrieved 26 July 2012. 
  4. ^ "Academic Ranking of World Universities - 2012; Top 500 universities; Shanghai Ranking - 2012; World University Ranking - 2012". Shanghai Ranking. Retrieved 26 July 2012. 
  • Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (2008). Australia in brief: Tourism and international students. Barton, ACT, Australia.

External links[edit source | edit]