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Flag of Uruguay.svg This user is Uruguayan.
Flag of Uruguay.svg This user is associated with Uruguay
Montevideo Department Coa.png This user comes from Montevideo.
46 This Wikipedian is 46 years, 3 months, and 15 days old.
es Este usuario tiene el español como lengua materna.
de-5 Dieser Benutzer spricht Deutsch auf einem professionellen Niveau.
en-5 This user can contribute with a professional level of English.
fr-2 Cet utilisateur peut contribuer avec un niveau intermédiaire en français.
it-2 Questo utente può contribuire con un livello intermedio di italiano.
pt-2 Este usuário/utilizador pode contribuir com um nível médio de português.
Salisbury Cathedral Detail Arches.jpg This user is an Architect.
Rosetta Stone.jpg This user is a professional translator.
Noia 64 apps karm.svg This user has been on Wikipedia for 7 years and 24 days.
The flag of Uruguay This user is a member of the
Uruguay WikiProject.
World ClockGnome globe current event.svg
 Costa Rica 05:31 Dia12.png
 El Salvador 05:31 Dia12.png
 Guatemala 05:31 Dia12.png
 Honduras 05:31 Dia12.png
 Mexico 09:31 Dia12.png
 Nicaragua 05:31 Dia12.png
 Colombia 06:31 Dia11.png
 Cuba 06:31 Dia11.png
 Ecuador 06:31 Dia11.png
 Panama 06:31 Dia11.png
 Peru 06:31 Dia11.png
 Venezuela 07:01 Dia10.png
 Bolivia 07:31 Dia10.png
 Chile 08:31 Dia10.png
 Argentina 08:31 Dia9.png
 Paraguay 08:31 Dia9.png
 Uruguay 09:31 Dia9.png
 Spain 12:31 Dia4.png
Daylight Map, nonscientific (1100 UTC).jpg
11:31 (UTC)


Fabio Descalzi

Montevideo, Uruguay

Useful links[edit]

My time spent per country[edit]

I was born and raised in


I've lived more than 1 year in


I've spent over 3 months in


I've spent almost 2 months in

United States

I've spent 1 month or more in

Brazil France Spain Italy

I've spent over 3 weeks in

Mexico United Kingdom

I've spent a week or more in

Belgium Netherlands Finland Austria Greece Egypt

I've spent 6 days in

Canada Israel Portugal

I've spent a few days in

Paraguay Norway Denmark Sweden Russia Hungary Czech Republic Switzerland Turkey

I've spent a few hours in

Chile Monaco Vatican City