Dear Abby

  • Driver Puts Phone Out Of Reach After A Frightening Close Call

    DEAR ABBY: The other day, while backing out of a parking space, I nearly hit a woman who was walking behind my car with her toddler son. I didn't see them because I was dialing my cellphone and was distracted. The woman rightfully yelled at me to pay attention and get off my phone, and although she…

    Dear Abby
  • Husband's Nonstop Nature Wears On Wife's Patience

    DEAR ABBY: I am fortunate to be a stay-at-home mom. My days are spent doing chores and taking care of the kids. I also volunteer extensively at their schools, but I do find time for other pursuits, such as reading and writing.My problem is my husband. "Bob" is the kind of guy who can't sit still.…

    Dear Abby
  • Credit Cards Now Offering 0% APR for 18 Months

    Consumers can now get rid of high interest rates on their credit cards. Compare leading credit card offers for 2013 and lock in 0% APR for 18 months.

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  • Father's Continuing Dalliance Takes A Toll On Mom's Health

    DEAR ABBY: My father admitted to having an affair a few years ago. At the time, my mother was very upset and threatened to leave, but somehow they worked it out. However, he is still seeing this woman. They talk on the phone for hours, and he visits her house frequently, leaving my mother alone for…

    Dear Abby
  • Friends Moving Into Retirement Together Get Plenty Of Advice

    DEAR ABBY: In response to "Contemplating Change in Rhode Island" (June 23), who is considering retiring with a friend to a city with a warmer climate, I would offer the same advice we have given our friends. She should know that she'll need to be proactive in developing a social network in her new…

    Dear Abby
  • Girl Can Conquer Shyness By Reaching Out To Others

    DEAR ABBY: I'm a 14-year-old girl who just started high school. I started to notice boys when I was in middle school, and I'd like to start dating soon.The problem is I've never had a close friend who was a boy, and the idea isn't natural to me. How can I ask a boy out if I don't even grasp the…

    Dear Abby
  • Volatile Younger Sister Must Reach Out For Help On Her Own

    DEAR ABBY: My younger sister, "Tanya," is 22 and a single mother. Her son is 2. She's pregnant again, and this time her baby will be a girl.My sister is very dramatic and emotional. She gets angry easily and has a short fuse. She's great with her son, except he picks up on her drama and is somewhat…

    Dear Abby
  • Condolences To Old Friend Are Better Late Than Never

    DEAR ABBY: My boyfriend of four years, "Joey," is a kind and loving person. Recently the father of one of his close childhood friends died. We live a plane ride away, and Joey could not get time off work to attend the services.I assumed Joey called his friend and family to extend his sympathies.…

    Dear Abby
  • Ex-Wife Throws A Wrench In Plan To Share Happy Home

    DEAR ABBY: I am a divorced woman with three children ages 24, 22 and 16. I live on my own with my girls. I have been dating a man, "Reed," for three years. We are very much in love and have been working to blend our families. (He has two children.)We have decided to move in together at the end of…

    Dear Abby
  • Second-Grader Is All Alone Facing Schoolyard Bullies

    DEAR ABBY: I'm 8 years old and in second grade. I'm writing because I'm being bullied at school. I'm really smart, and at my school that's a really bad thing. I try hard to be nice, but here that's worse than being smart. The teachers didn't help me with the bullies, so I stopped telling them. My…

    Dear Abby
  • Safe Cycling Practices Get Short Shrift From Bike Riders

    DEAR ABBY: Now that California law prohibits drivers from using cellphones and texting while driving, an additional issue needs to be addressed and acted upon. Bicyclists are supposed to abide by the vehicle codes, too, but they rarely do -- and that includes not wearing protective gear.I'm now…

    Dear Abby
  • Family's Feuding Complicates Woman's Plans For Her Funeral

    DEAR ABBY: I have four siblings. We get along fine as long as we're apart.During Mom's and Dad's funerals, I was dismayed at the degree of tension and bickering among us. I am now dealing with an incurable illness that will shorten my life considerably. I have no desire to put my husband through a…

    Dear Abby
  • Mom's Brief Cellphone Video Has Lingering Consequences

    DEAR ABBY: My 13-year-old son, "Wiley," was playing a game on my cellphone. I stupidly forgot to delete a short video of myself engaged in a sex act with my ex-husband, "Cliff." Wiley didn't confront me or mention it, but given his sudden change in behavior, I'm almost certain he saw it.The next…

    Dear Abby
  • Couple Wanting Private Time Must Stand Up To Sulking Mom

    DEAR ABBY: I am a 75-year-old man who lives in a gated community. For the last eight months I have been seeing a woman who lives nearby. We are starting to fall in love.Our problem is her 95-year-old mother, who lives with her. Her mom is pretty healthy and has some money, but she's scared to be…

    Dear Abby
  • Family's Ailing Nanny Should Be Given The Chance To Heal

    DEAR ABBY: Our nanny, who is 58, was diagnosed with breast cancer just before I delivered baby No. 2. The boys are now 15 months and 4 weeks old. "Nora" has started chemotherapy after having surgery. I completely understand that she has to attend to her needs right now and focus on her health, but…

    Dear Abby
  • Top-10 Credit Cards for Excellent Credit

    For people with excellent credit. Compare exclusive offers side-by-side and apply online for the card that is right for you.

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  • Mom Is Caregiver And Referee Between Husband And Sons

    DEAR ABBY: My husband is 99 percent bed-bound with primary progressive MS. My oldest son is bipolar (he's off his meds and doing great), and my youngest son has Asperger's. I know ... wow. My husband refuses to even try to understand the boys. When they have behavior problems, he tells them if he…

    Dear Abby
  • Parents Disdain Marriage After Failure Of Their Own

    DEAR ABBY: I'm 24 and a college graduate. My boyfriend, "Jordan," and I have been together for a year and we would like to get married. However, my parents are against the idea. They love Jordan, but they think marriage is stupid because, in 2013, "Who is getting married?"I think this is totally…

    Dear Abby
  • Sister's Fantasy Of Father Is A Far Cry From Reality

    DEAR ABBY: I have a half-sister with whom I share a mother. Her father and my mother were married for almost 10 years. This man, I believe, had some mental issues. He would quiz me about my sexual relations with my boyfriend at the time, wanting details. He would often fly off the handle and argue…

    Dear Abby
  • Single Mom Rips Older Workers For Staying On The Job Too Long

    DEAR ABBY: I am appalled at older workers who hang onto their jobs so they can live lavish lifestyles, while young workers trying to support families are left with lack of advancement or even laid off because they don't have tenure.I am a single mom, and when my sons are out of college I plan to…

    Dear Abby
  • Grandma Weighs Her Decision To Sever Contact With Daughter

    DEAR ABBY: Two years ago one of my granddaughters was molested by her mother's (my daughter's) then-boyfriend, whom they were living with. When the girl's father found out, he called the police and the man was arrested, tried and convicted.Abby, while he was out on bail, my daughter married him!…

    Dear Abby
  • Opportunities For Kindness Are Waiting All Around Us

    DEAR ABBY: Congratulations to "Trying to Be Nice" (June 6) for her random acts of kindness. The world needs more of it. Let me point out, however, that being nice isn't just about doing specific charitable tasks. It is something that applies every moment of every day, and as the axiom says,…

    Dear Abby