The Home Depot Throws Awesome Birthday Party for Deserving 5-Year-Old Boy


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The workers at the Home Depot are known for being experts in painting, drilling, and hammering. Well, you can now add party planning to that list. Here's what happened.

Five-year-old Joshua Hagerty, from Modesto, California, asked his mother for a birthday party at his favorite place, the Home Depot. Joshua suffers from multiple physical ailments, including heart and kidney problems, for which he has had 15 surgeries so far in his short lifetime. His mother, Jennifer, contacted the Home Depot to see if she could pick up workshop sets to have the Home Depot-themed party at her home.

Store manager Kevin Baum called her back to say they would take it a step further. The employees threw Joshua a birthday party at their store, complete with balloons, Lego sets, goody bags, workshop kits, and even a hammer-shaped cake. Employees pitched in with their own money to fund the party and gifts to make Joshua's birthday dreams come true. At the end of the day, the grateful guest of honor said it was his "best birthday ever."

The reason this story has gotten the public's attention is not because of the Home Depot; it is because Jennifer has asked for help to thank the store and its employees. Here's our part to help — thank you to Home Depot store #6601 of Modesto! You guys rock!

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