Category Archives: Annexation.

163 – Europe Wipes Britain off the Map!

The Daily Mail is one of the UK’s more euroskeptic newspapers, so it must have been with much delight that they were able to present this map to their readers on September 4th, 2006. For it falls straight into the … Continue reading

Posted in 21st Century Map, Annexation., British Isles, Europe, Non-Fictional, Political | 59 Comments

106 – The ‘Bloodless Aroostook War’ and Maine’s Northern Border

“From the northwest angle of Nova Scotia, to wit, that angle which is formed by a line drawn due north from the source of the St Croix River to the highlands, along the said highlands which divide those rivers that … Continue reading

Posted in 18th Century Map, 19th Century Map, America., Annexation., Canada, Maine, Non-Fictional, Political, USA | 27 Comments

100 – A Vulture’s View of Ethiopia

Richard Edes Harrison trained as an architect, but became known as an illustrator for Time (from 1932 onwards) and other national news magazines. His specialty was cartography, applying unusual perspectives and orientations to maps to present information about the global … Continue reading

Posted in 20th Century Map, Africa., Annexation., Ethiopia, Non-Fictional, Other Perspectives, Political, Tactical/Military, World War II | 20 Comments

65 – “Eastland, Our Land”: Dutch Dreams of Expansion at Germany’s Expense

In the Netherlands straight after World War II, there existed plans both official and unofficial to annex a large area of Germany as a way of obtaining war reparations (plans not to be confused with the more fanciful, pre-war plans … Continue reading

Posted in 20th Century Map, Annexation., Europe, Germany, Netherlands, World War II | 18 Comments

11 – “Edwardistan”

The British tried their hand at subduing Afghanistan in the 19th Century, when the Empire was at the top of its game. Their troops were massacred (with one man left alive to warn off other invasion attempts), which the British … Continue reading

Posted in 19th Century Map, Annexation., Asia., British Isles, Fictional, Indian Subcontinent, Parody | 13 Comments

9 – Germany wins World War I(French worst case scenario)

What would Europe have looked like, had Imperial Germany won World War One? This image is taken off a French magazine at the start of the war, painting an exaggerated picture of German (and Austro-Hungarian) land-grabs in a Europe dominated … Continue reading

Posted in 20th Century Map, Annexation., Europe, France, Germany, Political, Proposed, Tactical/Military, World War I | 65 Comments

7 – Greater Albania

The Albanians are descendants of the Illyrians, an ancient Balkan people who preceded the Slavic populations surrounding their native territories. They presently have an independent nation – Albania, in their own language ‘Shqipëtar’, meaning ‘Land of the Eagles’ – but … Continue reading

Posted in 20th Century Map, Annexation., Balkans., Cultural Fault Lines, Europe, Irredentism, Non-Fictional, Political, Proposed | 22 Comments

4 – Imperial Texas

Texas is a special state within the US – not only the biggest of the contiguous 48 states, but also culturally distinct. Furthermore, it was at one time an independent state, after secession from Mexico and before absorption by the … Continue reading

Posted in 19th Century Map, America., Annexation., Short-Lived States, Texas, USA | 30 Comments