Monthly Archives: December 2007

229 – Vital Statistics of a Deadly Campaign: the Minard Map

“The best statistical graphic ever drawn“, is how statistician Edward Tufte described this chart in his authoritative work ‘The Visual Display of Quantitative Information’. The chart, or statistical graphic, is also a map. And a strange one at that. It … Continue reading

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228 – Merry Kiritimati!

There are three Christmas Islands in the world. One is a small community on mainland Nova Scotia (Canada) named after a nearby island, which is presently called Ghost Island but at some point was named after its sole occupant, a … Continue reading

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227 – First the Cartoon, then the War: Europe in 1870

All was not well in Europe in 1870, the year the Franco-Prussian war would lead to a united German Empire and a humiliated France; one could call it the first of three European civil wars, the other two being World … Continue reading

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226 – Geo-Poetry, or: Finding Wordsworth

Five years have past; five summers, with the length Of five long winters! And again I hear These waters, rolling from their mountain-springs With a soft inland murmur (…) So begins one of the Lyrical Ballads, a collaboration between the … Continue reading

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225 – Chicago’s 91 Hoods

Not many people know that the epithet Windy City was bestowed on Chicago not for meteorological but political reasons – apparently, Chicago politicians at one time were known for the windiness of their speeches. Its Latin motto – Urbs in … Continue reading

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224 – The Tree of Life Down the Tube

Madonna should love this map, having both gone all British and jewish-mystical. This map, in the style of the London Underground(*), depicts the Kaballah Tree of Life. Sephiroth (Hebrew for ‘Enumerations’) is the name for the ten attributes of God … Continue reading

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223 – Marzipan Europe

Candy isn’t usually applied to make political or geographical statements, but in this case marzipan, one of the more malleable confectioneries, has been transformed into a map of the European Union (of the EU25 period, before the accession of Bulgaria … Continue reading

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222 – Birthplaces of Mississippi Blues Artists

 Mississippi is the poorest of all states, but fortunately also has a happier distinction: it’s the place where most of the quintessentially American music genres originated, from blues and jazz to rock ‘n roll.An amazing accomplishment for a state that … Continue reading

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221 – Greater China – Made in Taiwan

  The Chinese nationalist party Kuomintang that was defeated when Mao Zedong’s communists triumphantly took control of China in 1949, retreated to Taiwan, a small island off the coast of mainland China, roughly halfway between Hong Kong and Shanghai. Almost 60 … Continue reading

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220 – Russo-Japanese War Cartoons

This is interesting: these cartoons obviously are about the Russo-Japanese War of 1905. But since I’m offline while writing this, I can’t find out much more of the context. So let’s see what I can extrapolate. First, the facts – … Continue reading

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219 – Found: a Map of the Island in ‘Lost’

Lost is not only the title of a popular American tv series, it also describes the exasperated feeling of those viewers looking for a semblance of a plot in the series. The broad outline goes something like this: The survivors … Continue reading

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218 – Korea’s Dark Half

North and South Korea have been separated at the 38th parallel ever since the Korean War (1950-1953), which has never officially ended. In the ensuing ‘ceasefire’, North Korea developed into a communist dictatorship with a centrally planned economy, while South … Continue reading

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217 – East of Eden

According to Genesis 4:16 (KJV), “Cain went out from the presence of the LORD and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden.” According to this map, that land of Nod might have been Sicily, which then … Continue reading

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216 – US Annexes Amazon Forest!

  “Geographical manuals in US schools show an amputated Brazil, without the Amazon and the Pantanal. This is how students are taught that these are ‘international’ areas, in other words: this is how the North American public is prepared for … Continue reading

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215 – Montana, the Gorgeous Mosaic

  In its issue of 22 April 1996, the New Yorker Magazine published a parody map of Montana, by cartoonist Roz Chast. The state ranks 4th in surface (after Alaska, California and Texas), but 44th in population, giving it the 3rd lowest … Continue reading

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214 – The Blonde Map of Europe

  Q: How do you get a blonde out of a tree? A: Wave According to this map – and if you really believe that blondes have less brains –a nasty fall like that is more likely to happen in … Continue reading

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213 – Pangaea Ultima: Climbing the Mediterranean Mountains

 “Is this what will become of the Earth’s surface?” asks the entry for 22 September 2007 of Astronomy Picture of the Day, a website affiliated with Nasa (judging from its url).“The surface of the Earth is broken up into several … Continue reading

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212 – Transit Map of the World’s Transit Systems

Be glad they don’t have coffee-tables in the Tube, métro, subway and U-Bahn, otherwise you wouldn’t have any excuse not to take this book with you on your subterranean peripatations. ‘Transit Maps of the World’ is an expansion of the earlier … Continue reading

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211 – Humbead’s Revised Map of the World (With List of Population)

They did a lot of crazy stuff in the Sixties, man. Especially at universities like Berkeley, a hotbed of political radicalism, of experiments with free love and cheap drugs  (or was that cheap love and free drugs?) and of… map reviews. … Continue reading

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210 – French Kissing Map

Over 18.000 votes have been cast in a poll to determine once and for all the answer to the burning question: Combien de bises? That’s French for ‘How many kisses’, and kissing in France is a lot more complex the … Continue reading

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