Monthly Archives: January 2010

442 – Distilled Geography: Europe’s Alcohol Belts

It matters where we are, for it helps determine who we are. Or, as the quote often attributed to Napoleon states: Geography is destiny. That destiny extends to drink, as demonstrated by this map. Where we are determines to a … Continue reading

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441 – Sense of POPOS: Secret Spaces of San Francisco

  Scattered across the centre of San Francisco are almost seventy semi-secret spaces, privately owned but open to the public. Subject to the fine print of a little-known pact between City and Commerce, these so-called POPOS (Privately Owned Public Open … Continue reading

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440 – Dissuasive Cartography: the Emerald Desert

With an army numbering a mere 7,000 soldiers and an official policy of neutrality, the Irish Free State’s attitude at the outbreak of the Second World War was that of a very nervous bystander. While covertly providing the Brits with … Continue reading

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439 – Australia is BIG!

We could rattle off some statistics, about size and distance. But sometimes a picture is more eloquent than a thousand words. Here are two postcard maps. That’s two thousand words right there.   Many thanks to Anna Chlebinska, a collector … Continue reading

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438 – The Great Firewall of China

“China’s internet is open.” (PRC government spokesperson responding to a question on Google’s announcement to stop filtering its Chinese search engine, citing concerted hacker attacks on the e-mail accounts of political dissidents) Will Google leave China? Probably so. After the online … Continue reading

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437 – OJ Knows: The Four Corners of the World

We’ve discussed the Ancient Greeks’ snowglobe vision of the Universe(#288), tackled the far-out theories of the Hollow Earth (#85), and yet managed to be surprised by the absurdity of the square earth theory. It seems unnecessarily implausible to add straight borderlines … Continue reading

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436 – A Map of the Great Fear

The rapid spread of the Great Fear was one of the weirder episodes in the early, confusing days of the French Revolution. This combination of a riot, a brush fire and a game of Chinese whispers raged from July 20 to August … Continue reading

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435 – A Piccadilly Fantasy: London in 2050

So it’s 2010, and we’re not living on Mars, nor even zipping through the sky in flying cars. But neither do we have to bow to our new insect overlords. The promises (and threats) of the future never quite materialise … Continue reading

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434 – Prester John, King of Wishful Thinking

In 1145, the Syrian bishop Hugo of Jabala brought Pope Eugene III the news of the Muslim reconquest of Edessa, an important Crusader stronghold in the Holy Land. The bishop softened the blow – and hoped to encourage the Pope … Continue reading

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433 – Plotting Vineland: the Skálholt Map

  The Vikings set foot in America just over a millennium ago, but credit for the discovery generally goes to Columbus, who only stumbled upon the New World almost 500 years later. One reason might be that the Norse involvement in … Continue reading

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432 – Earth on a Tera Scale

  Take the length of the equator on this map, double that distance and you have the width of a human hair. For this is the world’s smallest world map, with the 40,000 kilometre-long equator reduced to a mere 40 … Continue reading

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431 – Austria Paying the Fiddler

This map was taken from the August 2, 1919 edition of the US news magazine Literary Digest, and originally appeared in the London Sphere. It details the projected break-up of the Austro-Hungarian empire, one of the First World War’s defeated Central … Continue reading

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430 – Calendria, A Map of the New Year

At the beginning of this new year, hardly any map could be as appropriate as this one of Calendria, a place made out of time. This wondrous world was conceived in the tradition of so-called ‘symbolic’ maps, which use cartographic … Continue reading

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