Monthly Archives: July 2009

402 – Homeland Is Where the Heartland Is

In geopolitical theory, the term ‘Heartland’ refers to the area between the Volga and Yangtze rivers, and between the Himalaya and the Arctic regions. According to H.J. Mackinder’s 1904 article The Geographical Pivot of History, this area was of paramount … Continue reading

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401 – What’s On Earth Tonight?

  The first tv images of World War II are about to hit Aldebaran star system, 65 light years [ly] away. If there’s anybody out there alive and with eyes to see it, the barrage of actual and dramatised footage … Continue reading

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400 – Japanese Whispers: Mapping the Forbidden Outside World

For two centuries after 1640, the official Japanese policy towards the outside world was known as sakoku (‘closed country’), by which both Japanese leaving the country and foreigners entering it could expect the death penalty. Although not quite as harshly absolute … Continue reading

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399 – Cracked and Gone: the World’s Largest Map

    The terrazzo map in 1964; for a more contemporary image, cf. inf.   When this 130 by 166 foot plot of polished terrazzo tiling was inaugurated at New York’s 1964 World’s Fair, it was the largest map in the world. A … Continue reading

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398 – Bridge to Nowhere: a Map of Golden Gate Jumpers

It’s 75 metres (245 ft) down from the deck of the Golden Gate Bridge to the water below. That drop will kill most people (*). And that’s exactly what it did to over 1,200 people who jumped off the bridge … Continue reading

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397 – Eliminating the Bottom 5%

How would you eliminate almost half the planet by subtracting just 5% from it? This map shows you how: delete the countries that constitute the bottom 5% of global GDP contributors, and you scrap almost 3 billion people from the … Continue reading

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