Monthly Archives: August 2007

170 – A Map of the Internet’s Black Holes

The series of tubes famously dubbed the ‘internets’ by president G.W. Bush* constitute a world wide web of interconnectedness. But, as this map demonstrates, there are some black holes in that web. They represent the 15 countries that limit or … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 158 Comments

169 – The British Isles Inside Borneo

Preceded only by faraway Greenland (2.130.800 sq. km, 822.706 sq. mi.) and nearby New Guinea (785.753 sq. km, 303.381 sq. mi.), Borneo is the third-largest island in the world (748.168 sq. km, 288.869 sq. mi.) That’s a somewhat surprising accolade … Continue reading

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168 – “Does My Brazil Look Big in This?”

  This little piece of fashion cartography was made by Dutch artist Coriette Schoenaerts, based in Amsterdam and London. On her website, she explains why she went to the trouble to organize expensive clothing into the outlines of South America … Continue reading

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167 – Gales in the Atlantic, Gaels in the North Sea

On 23 July 1977, this map appeared in Krazy Comic, a short-lived (Oct ’76 – Apr ’78) British comic magazine. Judging by the colours alone, this is pretty much your standard atlas relief chart, green being low-lying land and ever … Continue reading

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166 – Neisse Border, If You Can Get One

After 1945, Germany lost about a quarter of its pre-1933 territory to Poland and the Soviet Union. The German-Polish border was established at the so-called Oder-Neisse Line, after the two rivers that separate both states today. Although the border is … Continue reading

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165 – Licking Europe: Asia As A Horse

Heinrich Bunting‘s Itinerarium Sacra Scripturae (‘Travels According to the Scriptures’), first published in 1581, contained accurate maps of the Holy Land, but also three maps of pure fantasy. Two of those have already been described on this site: the world … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 19 Comments

164 – A Cat’s Map of the Bed

For at least 10.000 years, the animal known to taxonomists as Felis silvestris catus has been among the dearest friends of Homo sapiens sapiens. Their tendency to hunt rats, mice and other vermin earned them the most-favoured pet status. Contributing … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 61 Comments

163 – Europe Wipes Britain off the Map!

The Daily Mail is one of the UK’s more euroskeptic newspapers, so it must have been with much delight that they were able to present this map to their readers on September 4th, 2006. For it falls straight into the … Continue reading

Posted in 21st Century Map, Annexation., British Isles, Europe, Non-Fictional, Political | 59 Comments

162 – The United States of Florida

“It takes a big state to absorb the entire North every winter,” the New York Times wrote on February 2 of this year. “Florida is pulling it off.” In wintertime, the Sunshine State takes in ‘snowbirds’ from the rest of … Continue reading

Posted in 21st Century Map, America., Cultural Fault Lines, Enclaves/Exclaves, Non-Fictional, Satire, USA | 41 Comments

161 – Map of the San Francisco Quake and Fire (1906)

On the night of April 17th in 1906, the world-famous tenor Enrico Caruso wowed San Franciscans at the Tivoli Opera House with his performance in Carmen. The next day would – unfortunately – prove much more memorable for San Francisco. … Continue reading

Posted in 20th Century Map, America., California, City/Road/Subway Maps, Disaster Map, Non-Fictional, San Francisco | 29 Comments

160 – The United Countries of Baseball

Although also very popular in East Asia and in other parts of the American continent, baseball is the quintessential North American sport, early in the 20th century even labelled the ‘national pastime’ of the USA. It remains so today: in … Continue reading

Posted in 21st Century Map, America., Cultural Fault Lines, Fictional, USA | 221 Comments