Monthly Archives: March 2007

96 – A Cartogram of the World’s Population

This map is part of a series of cartograms in which the actual geography is distorted in order to demonstrate information about the countries shown. In this case, the point made is that of population, with each country’s size ‘weighted’ … Continue reading

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95 – The Incredible Shrinking Lake (Chad, That Is)

Lake Chad is not the only inland body of water that’s disappearing under the dual assault of climate change and human overuse. Lake Aral, in formerly Soviet Central Asia, is well known for the picturesque images of boats stranded in … Continue reading

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94 – Gastronomic Cartography: the France of Breads

This brilliant map is in a gang of one, for the time being – gastronomic cartography. An intriguing category nonetheless: La France des pains (‘The France of Breads’) visually demonstrates the place of origin of France’s different local types of … Continue reading

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93 – Lewis Carroll’s Ocean Chart

This map is an illustration in ‘The Hunting of the Snark (An Agony in 8 Fits)’, a nonsensical and somewhat grim poem by Lewis Carroll, who is better known for ‘Alice in Wonderland’. All the illustrations in ‘Snark’, first published … Continue reading

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92 – Secret Soviet Plans for the Complete Removal of the North American Continent

This recently unclassified, formerly top secret document released by the Russian State Archives illustrates (quite literally) the lengths the Soviets wanted to go to in order to win the Cold War: not just the defeat of the capitalist USA, but its complete removal off … Continue reading

Posted in 20th Century Map, Cold War, Fictional, Political, Soviet Union, USA | 55 Comments

91 – Early 20th Century Balkan Aspirations

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the Ottoman Empire was called the ‘Sick Man of Europe’ because it didn’t seem able to hold on to its possessions in the Balkans. However, as the Balkan nations managed to cast of the … Continue reading

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500.000 Hits

This blog has been up since September 2006. In that half year, I’ve posted 90 maps, gotten about 1.000 comments – most of them interesting and/or favourable – and just now the traffic on this site tallied up to 500.000 … Continue reading

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90 – The Limburg Split of 1839

The map-on-a-stamp in this post is again taken from the wonderful site called Dan’s Topical Stamps. To American ears, the word ‘Limburg’ conjures up the mighty stink emitted by so-called Limburger cheese. In one of Mark Twain’s stories, its smell is even … Continue reading

Posted in 19th Century Map, Belgium, Europe, Netherlands | 19 Comments

89 – Bushlandia vs. Reality

An updated version of the famous United States of Canada vs. Jesusland map (see posting #3 on this blog). That map represented the outcome of the US presidential election in 2004, with the ‘red’ states (those that voted for incumbent … Continue reading

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88 – Neuschwabenland, the Last German Colony

  Ever since it achieved unification in 1871, Germany craved colonies as a matter of national pride. But by the late nineteenth century, most of the ‘uncivilised world’ was already carved up by established European powers. In an eleventh-hour effort, the … Continue reading

Posted in 20th Century Map, Germany, Irredentism, Non-Fictional, Polar, Political, Short-Lived States, World War II | 20 Comments

87 – The Whole World In A Cloverleaf

Heinrich Bunting (1545-1606) knew the world didn’t really look like this. There are enough maps in his works (such as Itinerarium Sacrae Scripturae) to indicate he knew the continents had an irregular, and not a symbolic shape. Yet he delighted … Continue reading

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86 – A Map of Germany’s Euroregions

  It seems impossible to find an online map showing all of the European Union’s so-called Euroregions. Why doesn’t the EU showcase these transnational regions, conceived to promote economic development and cultural understanding among neighbours that too often in the … Continue reading

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85 – Inside the Hollow Earth

If the Earth is hollow, where does all that magma spewing out of all those volcanoes come from? Somebody must have a half-convincing answer to that question, presumably that handful of people who still believe the Earth is an empty … Continue reading

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