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Jewish Practices


Shabbat According to Heschel

Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel describes Shabbat as a great cathedral, a sanctuary in time: "Six days a week we live under the tyranny of things of space; on the Sabbath we try to become attuned to holiness in time."

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Shabbat & Holidays

Shabbat 101

Shabbat 101

The Jewish day of rest.

Friday Night

The traditional Shabbat evening rituals are best shared with family and friends.

Five-Year Calendar

Jewish holidays through 2015.

Celebrating Passover

Including how to make a seder.

How to Light Hanukkah Candles

A hilarious video.




The Hebrew word for charity also means righteousness.

Lashon Hara

Talking badly about others is forbidden in Judaism.

Jewish Business Ethics

Some contemporary issues.

Gemilut Hasadim

Visiting the sick, comforting mourners, and other acts of kindness.

Tikkun Olam

Repairing the world.

Keeping Kosher

Keeping Kosher

Keeping Kosher

A brief how-to.

Kosher Food

What's kosher, what's not.

A Personal Perspective

Boundaries, rules, cravings, and keeping my kashrut fresh.

Ethical Kashrut

Bringing animal treatment, workers' conditions, and environmental issues to a kosher table.

Not All or Nothing

Reform Jews have good reason to choose to observe some or all of the traditional dietary restrictions.

Prayer & Spirituality

Why Pray?

Why Pray?

Prayer enriches our lives in many different ways.

Common Prayer Words

Fifty of the most frequent Hebrew words that appear in the siddur.

Shabbat Liturgy

The structure and themes of Shabbat prayers.


Index of common berakhot.

Prayer as a Way of Being

Beyond services and synagogue, the challenge of living a prayerful life.

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