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Rosh Hashanah


The Shofar

A shofar is a ram's horn that is blown like a trumpet during Rosh Hashanah services, and at the end of Yom Kippur. The four sounds of the shofar--tekiah, shevarim, teruah, and tekiah gedolah--remind many people of a crying voice. Hearing the shofar's call is a reminder for us to look inward and repent for the sins of the past year.

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Rosh Hashanah 101

Rosh Hashanah 101

Brush up on the basics of the Jewish new year.

At Home

The central home ritual of this holiday consists of a special festive meal.

In the Community

In synagogue on Rosh Hashanah, a number of themes are repeated in the liturgy and Torah service.


The annual coronation of God.

Shofar History and Tradition

An instruction manual for the shofar can be found in the Torah.




Rosh Hashanah, all you can eat.

Honey Cake

For a sweet new year.

Sweet and Sour Brisket

Melt-in-your-mouth brisket like Bubbe used to make.

Pomegranate Chicken

A recipe for Rosh Hashanah.


An old world dish takes on a new taste.

Traditions & Rituals

Home Customs

Home Customs

Suggestions for bringing the messages of the New Year home from synagogue.

The Shofar as Prayer

Lessons from tradition about the meaning of the shofar.


A Rosh Hashanah ritual for the whole family.

Day of Judgment

Rosh Hashanah is called Yom Ha-Din, the day we stand in judgment before God.

Making Synagogue Meaningful

Or, how to survive High Holiday services.


High Holiday Mahzor

High Holiday Mahzor

A prayer book for the High Holidays.

Avinu Malkeinu

The language of merciful Father can still speak to us on the Day of Judgment.

Unetanah Tokef

A religious poem that is meant to strike fear in us.

Holiday Meditation

Facing the music.

13 Attributes of Mercy

Asking God for forgiveness.

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