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Prayer & Liturgy


The Siddur

The Jewish prayerbook is called the siddur, and it holds a myriad of prayers and blessings for everyday life, and special occasions. From eating a piece of bread, to saying the shema, to using the bathroom--the siddur guides you through your day and your life.

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Blessings used for food, Shabbat, and all occasions.

Blessings Everywhere

Turn everyday events into opportunities for spiritual awareness.

Food Blessings

I have to eat in holiness and purity, because I am doing God's will by eating.

Everyday Blessings & Rituals

Texts, translations, and transliterations of blessings for everyday blessings and rituals.

Blessings for Shabbat & Holidays

Texts, translations, and transliterations of blessings for Shabbat and holidays.


Mahzor Contents

Mahzor Contents

The High Holiday prayer book emphasizes introspection, repentance, and the hope to be inscribed in the Book of Life.

Avinu Malkeinu

The language of merciful Father can still speak to us on the Day of Judgment.

Unetanah Tokef

A religious poem that is meant to strike fear in us.

Kol Nidrei

The evening service of Yom Kippur is named after this declaration.


Poetry permeates the High Holiday liturgy.

Central Prayers



Moving from praise to petition to thanksgiving, the Amidah inculcates a sense of connection to God.


Three biblical passages work together to create a model for maintaining belief in God’s unity.


There are many versions of the Jewish 'mourner's prayer.'


A popular prayer with a controversial history.


A formal call to worship.


The Siddur

The Siddur

Is the siddur a holy text or crib notes for a conversation with God?

Choosing a Siddur

Jewish prayerbooks today are easy on the eye, but they challenge the heart and mind.

All for the Same Low Price!

Editors of siddurim (prayer books) have included a variety of bonus materials.

High Holiday Mahzor

The prayer book for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.

To Pray As a Jew: A Guide to the Prayer Book & Synagogue Service

By Hayim Halevy Donin

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