Now on Rabbis Without Borders

Give Up the Guilt: A Proposal for the New Year

August 22, 2013 9:00am

Here is a radical proposal for the New Year, forget the guilt, instead, lean into what you love to become the best possible version of yourself. ...


Now on Keshet

Parashat Ki Tavo: The Deuteronomy Dinner Party: As Many Chairs as We Need

August 20, 2013 3:00pm

As we read Parashat Ki Tavo, we’re also in the midst of the Haftorot of Consolation, which we read every week from Tisha B’Av until the beginning ...


Now on Southern & Jewish

"Beautiful Pathologies": An Ugly Truth?

August 21, 2013 8:59am

A recent New York Times online opinion essay, Beautiful Pathologies, got me thinking about the non-profit sector as a whole, and about Jewish organiza...


Now on The Nosher

Honey Pomegranate Cake

August 21, 2013 8:25am

I have a love-hate relationship with the High Holidays (who doesn't!?). It always seems to coincide with a busy time of work and I never have enough t...


Now on Members of the Scribe

Visiting the Soviet Union

July 23, 2013 4:56pm

I’ve had four opportunities to visit the Soviet Union/Former Soviet Union over the years, the fourth being the trip I’m preparing for as I write this ...


Now on The Canteen

Bonsai Parenting

August 21, 2013 10:14am

Most parents send their kids to camp because they know that kids grow in a different way -- faster -- when they're on their own. This is something at ...


Now on Mixed Multitudes

MJL is seeking its next CEO

August 1, 2013 8:00am

Changes are afoot at MJL, Inc. as we begin the exciting search for a new Chief Executive Officer. We are looking for an innovative and passionate visi...


Now on Kveller

You Are Your Own Birth Advocate

August 22, 2013 10:05am

“Are laboring and birthing women treated abusively in the hospital?” Wait…what? My first thought on reading that sentence was, "That doesn’t eve...