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Gender & Feminism

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Orthodox Women & Religious Leadership

Though the Orthodox rabbinate remains all male, some Orthodox women have assumed para-rabbinic roles in their communities. Working as rabbinical advocates, family purity experts, and synagogue leaders, these women perform tasks that were once exclusively the domain of male Orthodox rabbis.

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Texts and Traditions

Women in the Bible

Women in the Bible

Women are portrayed as men's equals, subordinates--and sometimes, property.

Women in Rabbinic Literature

A complicated picture.

Medieval Attitudes

Jewish women's social well-being was considered important, within the confines of Jewish law.

In Religion and Business

Medieval Jewish women were neither ignorant nor powerless.

Gender and Feminism 101

In some significant ways, Judaism has changed in light of trends in secular feminism.

Modern Insights

American Jewish Feminism

American Jewish Feminism

Impacting all the major Jewish denominations.

Engendering Judaism

The evolution of Judaism is affected by social conditions.

Feminism and Halakhah

Traditional Judaism can allow for greater equality in Jewish religious life.

Lilith Magazine

Giving Jewish women a voice.

A Survey of Feminist Theology

From theologies that address the male-ness of God to ones that address the femininity of males.


Women’s Voices

Women’s Voices

Is it kosher to go to an opera where women sing solos?

Mr. Prime Minister, Tear Down This Wall!

A response to the arrest of women praying in religious garb at the Western Wall in Jerusalem.

Belles of the Wall

Questioning the possibility of religious pluralism...while becoming a Southern Belle.

Let's Dance at the Kotel

Why not ditch the battles over the Kotel, and return to the business of being Jewish?

Women Rabbis

A history of the struggle for ordination.

Books and People

Judith Plaskow

Judith Plaskow

Jewish history must be reconstructed to include women in the covenant.

Rachel Adler

A feminist critique of Jewish law.

On Being a Jewish Feminist

Edited by Susannah Heschel

Standing Again at Sinai

By Judith Plaskow

Yentl's Revenge

Edited by Danya Ruttenberg

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