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Jelina Haines

born: 1970
born in: Manila, Philippines
lives in: Adelaide
Jelina Haines was born in Manila, Philippines in 1970 and migrated to Australia in 1997,holds a Graduate Certificate in Business Information Management (Archival & Preservation Mgmt), a Bachelor of Arts (Interdisciplinary Visual Arts) and a Diploma in Community Cultural Development (Dip.CCD).... [more]

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Ngarrindjeri Cross - Cultural Study Awareness

When: 06 – 10 September 2011

Full–residential Dormitory Accommodation for 5 days and 4 nights

Workshop program fee: $450.00
includes courtesy transfers (International and Australian interstate participant will be pick up and drop off back to Adelaide Airport). Full – residential Dormitory accommodation includes food (breakfast, lunch and dinner), entries to all programs, course notes and welcome packs.

This program aims to offer International students and Australian participants a global perspective of cross - cultural understanding. Visual language presentation are entwined with culture, tradition, and a concept that caring for country is everybody's responsibility and plays a key role in restoring the land and cultural understanding. Indigenous people view the land as fundamental to the well-being, identity and their culture. Indigenous people believe that the land is not just soil, rocks or minerals but a whole environment that sustains and is sustained by people and their culture. To have an appreciation of information continuity with science and Indigenous Knowledge working together is a means of moving forward to a better future and meeting the needs of future generations.

This workshop is significantly valuable to all participants who are interested in establishing cross- cultural study exchanges and uniting students worldwide through hands on training. The facilitators listed here are all knowledgeable in their chosen field and are respected Elders within the community. They can assure you that your stay in the community will be a memorable one.

Facilitators/Tutors: Uncles Moogy Sumner , Tom Trevorrow , George Trevorrow, Neville Gollan, Matt Rigney, Aunty Ellen Trevorrow, Joan Gibbs, Jelina and Malcolm Haines

Program activities includes:
‘Welcome to Country’,Smoking Ceremony, Boomerang and Spear Throwing lessons, welcome night traditional dance lesson at Bonney Reserve Conservation Park by Uncle Moogy Sumner, focus lessons such as Basket Weaving, Bush Walking where you will be guided by Uncle Tom, Field trips - visit to significant Ngarrindjeri sites, tour to the museum by where you will be introduced to archival records of Ngarrindjeri history, tradition and culture, political history in Ngarrindjeri Perspective,Environmental Art and if the night sky at Camp Coorong is clear - star gazing using the telescope,learning about the Milky Way (Ngurundjeri Canoe).

For more info contact: Jelina Haines
Project/Event Coordinator, Facilitator/Tutor & Cultural Liaison


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