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Government Publications

A depository for publications from the US government, Canada, the United Nations, the European Union and the State of Washington

Map Collection


Premier collection of maps in Washington state.

Media Center (CDs, DVDs, and more)

Media Center (CDs, DVDs, and more)

Largest academic audiovisual media collection in the NW

Microforms & Newspapers

Microforms & Newspapers

A large current international and domestic newspaper collection, with emphasis on Slavic, South and Southeast Asian papers and a selection of American and European papers

ResearchWorks (Archives & Publishing)

ResearchWorks Service

Provides faculty, researchers and students with tools to archive and/or publish the products of research including data sets, monographs images, journal articles and technical reports

UW Digital Collections

Digital Collections

Rare and unique digital photographs, maps, newspapers, posters, reports and other media from the UW Libraries, Special Collections, UW Faculty and Departments, and other partnering organizations.

UW Special Collections

Special Collections

The Libraries' major resource of rare PUBLISHED and archival materials covering a broad range of topics, formats and periods. Strengths in Pacific NW history; architecture; book arts; 19th c. American literature; HISTORICAL photography; historical children's literature.

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Last modified: Tuesday July 09, 2013 (reynolds)