Breast MRI

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Breast MRI
ICD-9-CM 88.92, 88.97
OPS-301 code: 3-827

One alternative to mammography, Breast MRI or contrast enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), has shown substantial progress in the detection of breast cancer.


Operation [edit]

In this method, the breast is scanned in an MRI device before and after the intravascular injection of a contrast agent (Gadolinium DTPA). The pre-contrast images are "subtracted" from the post-contrast images, and any areas that have increased blood flow are seen as bright spots on a dark background. Since breast cancers generally have an increased blood supply, the contrast agent causes these lesions to "light up" on the images.

Indications [edit]

Current indications for breast MRI include but are not limited to the screening of high-risk patients (such as those with a personal or strong family history of breast cancer), evaluation of breast implants in cases of suspected implant rupture, and pre-treatment evaluation of patients with newly diagnosed breast cancer to assess the extent of the disease).[citation needed]

Comparison to other technologies [edit]

The available literature suggests that the sensitivity of contrast-enhanced breast MRI in detection of cancer is considerably higher than that of either radiographic mammography or ultrasound and is generally reported to be in excess of 94%[1] (though not all reported studies have been as encouraging).

The specificity (the confidence that a lesion is cancerous and not a false positive) is only fair ('modest'),[2] (or 37%-97%[1]) thus a positive finding by MRI should not be interpreted as a definitive diagnosis.

The reports of 4,271 breast MRIs from eight large scale clinical trials were reviewed in 2006.[3] Overall the sensitivity ranged from 71% to 100% in these reports, however the call-back rates were low at 10% and the risk of having a benign biopsy was reported at 5%, a significant improvement over mammography.

Vendors [edit]

Several medical instrument vendors have entered this arena with breast MRI solutions. One company, Aurora Systems, is the only manufacturer to make a breast-dedicated unit and as the exclusive patent holder of certain solutions to fat signal suppression that appear to be more or less essential.[citation needed] Siemens, General Electric and Philips Medical, main manufacturers of MRI instruments, offer breast MRI products or add-ons, and several third-party companies offer aftermarket products to enable breast MRI on conventional MRI instruments.

References [edit]

  1. ^ a b Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Breast
  2. ^ DeMartini W, Lehman C, Partridge S (April 2008). "Breast MRI for cancer detection and characterization: a review of evidence-based clinical applications". Acad Radiol 15 (4): 408–16. doi:10.1016/j.acra.2007.11.006. PMID 18342764. 
  3. ^ Lehman CD (2006). ""Role of MRI in screening women at high risk for breast cancer"". Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 24 (5): 964. doi:10.1002/jmri.20752. PMID 17036340. 

See also [edit]