“VIVA is the cultural barometer people turn to first each week to find out what’s hot in fashion, beauty, food, wine and design.”
Amanda Linnell – VIVA Editor

Fresh and stylish, VIVA is a mid-week treat with a devoted following amongst women who love to spend. Appearing each Wednesday, its sophisticated magazine-style format makes it the perfect place to showcase all that’s good in fashion, beauty, design, food, wine and the latest lifestyle trends.

VIVA Special Issues are published throughout the year covering everything from fashion, food and wine as well as a monthly ‘At Home’ special. For more information - click here.

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How readers engage with VIVA

Readers see VIVA as inspirational and aspirational with high quality fashion, food and design. VIVA is a destination read for some. Women who like fashion “love it” and advertising is an important part of the mix – their ‘mid-week treat’.

“That’s my favourite part of VIVA, just seeing what new products are out and about. I think it’s pretty but it’s not just girly stuff, it’s got food there. And I like the ads in here too, because a lot of the time there will be adverts for sales at stores that probably wouldn’t normally advertise anywhere else.”

VIVA strongly engages readers by ‘entertaining me’ and by ‘inspiring me’ and as a ‘pastime’.

What does this mean for advertisers?

Synonymous with fun, lifestyle and fashion, VIVA provides advertising opportunities amongst fashion and food based editorial. Reaching spenders and lots of them - VIVA is a destination read for consumers, with the high readership of the Herald on a Wednesday.

Reader Profile

VIVA is the most female skewed section in The New Zealand Herald. These females live in households with high income levels, and are far more likely than average to be in the top socio-economic levels. They look to VIVA to be informed on the latest fashion, for inspiration in the kitchen, and what are the latest household interior design trends.






% of readers


Male 36.80%
Female 63.20%
Top 3 Socios 58.16%
Top 3 Occupations 21.36%


% of readers


Lifestage One – Dependent Children 2.67%
Lifestage Two – Independent Young Adults 13.65%
Lifestage Three – Adults with Young Families 18.10%
Lifestage Four – Adults with Older Children 18.69%
Lifestage Five – Empty Nesters 47.18%
Household Income $80,000+ 8.90%
Household Income $120,000+ 23.44%
Home Owners 65.58%
Mortgage Free Home Owners 35.01%



% of readers


Had brunch/coffee with friends in last 7 days 128 33.06%
I like to use products that reduce the signs of aging 143 28.80%
I wear makeup every day 165 22.99%
Wine is an important part of my weekly supermarket shop 138 16.93%
Source: Nielsen CMI Q2 2012 - Q1 2013 AP15+




Weekly, Wednesday

