Virtual & Fantasy Sport

NZ Herald Virtual & Fantasy Sport, formerly known as Jimungo, was established in 2001. It is now the odds-on favourite with sports fans who jump at the chance to prove their sporting nous by taking on their mates, work colleagues and strangers – all at the same time. The games have been played by over 440,000 people since their inception.

NZ Herald has plans to run games across Super Rugby, Rugby Championship, ITM Cup Rugby, International Rugby Tours, League (NRL), Netball (ANZ Championship), Basketball (NBL) and the English Premier League.

Players return regularly to make predictions, check results, view their standings on the highly-competitive leaderboards, and interact with their fellow players and the site.

Online advertising options range from standard display advertising through to integrated sponsorships spanning multiple games. Herald Virtual & Fantasy Sport also has a highly-engaged, sports-mad database of over 75,000 people that can be targeted by a range of different options.

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Or if you have any questions at all about advertising on NZ Herald Virtual & Fantasy Sport please contact your APN Account Manager or contact us now.


Reader Profile

Herald Virtual & Fantasy Sport gives advertisers and sponsors the opportunity to reach a highly engaged audience who are passionate about sport and are highly competitive. They are also a social bunch, who love to win against their mates.

Since the site kicked off, over 440,000 sports fans have played a game.