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Kerre McIvor: Mean bid to deny a basic right
Kerre McIvor: Mean bid to deny a basic right

Kerre McIvor's first job as a journalist at the age of 18 was to report the outcome of a meeting between the management…

Free-for-all sexist attacks may 'turn off women' from politics

Sexist attacks on PM Julia Gillard may discourage Australian women from entering politics, says Greens MP Adam Bandt.

Matt McCarten: So dumb... and they're in charge

The tragic self-immolation of Dunne destroyed in a twinkle his life work's reputation, writes Matt McCarten. "Don't even…

Rodney Hide: Being a goody-good has pitfalls
Rodney Hide: Being a goody-good has pitfalls

Whenever Rodney Hide thinks commonsense, he pictures Peter Dunne.

Bryce Edwards: Is cyber spying New Zealand's new anti-nuclear issue?
Bryce Edwards: Is cyber spying New Zealand's new anti-nuclear issue?

Is state cyber surveillance becoming a major political issue in New Zealand? Could it be an election issue in 2014? Bryce…

Paul Thomas: Revealed: Messages from a leaky boat
Paul Thomas: Revealed: Messages from a leaky boat

Come on, admit it: you'd love to read those emails everybody's talking about. The correspondence between Peter Dunne and…

Fran O'Sullivan: Opposition exaggerates plight of manufacturers
Fran O'Sullivan: Opposition exaggerates plight of manufacturers

The jobs are not being cut simply because the dollar is overvalued, as David Parker and the unions have stated, writes Fran…


quiz Politics quiz: June 15
Politics quiz: June 15

Test your knowledge of all things politics with our quiz.

Novopay: Second resignation at Ministry

A second senior staff member at the Ministry of Education who was involved in the Novopay project has resigned.

SkyCity convention deadline extended

The New Zealand government and SkyCity Entertainment Group are giving themselves another fortnight to cut a deal on the…

Soldier's mother welcomes footage

The mother of a soldier killed in Afghanistan says footage released by the Defence Force of a firefight shows how well our…

Film gives glimpse of deadly chaos
Film gives glimpse of deadly chaos

The Defence Force has issued footage from a chaotic 12-minute battle described as New Zealand's "biggest…

Sri Lanka to host Commonwealth Heads despite human rights concerns

Foreign Minister Murray McCully said Sri Lanka's hosting of the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting in November will…

Toby Manhire: Step up, Mr Dunne, become a hero

With every disclosure, the need for a broad-ranging, non-partisan inquiry of New Zealand's spy agencies and operations becomes…

Unions and Labour outraged over new bill

Unions and Labour reacted with cries of outrage yesterday about a new bill that has the capacity to severely dent the effectiveness…

PPTA files class action over Novopay debacle
PPTA files class action over Novopay debacle

The Post Primary Teachers Association has filed a class action against Acting Secretary for Education…

PM: Labour guilty of 'deep hypocrisy'

Labour has confirmed four of its MPs were hosted in SkyCity's corporate box at Eden Park for the All Blacks versus France…

Woman champions blind voting cause

Voting in a General Election for Dunedin woman Julie Woods is a high-trust activity. She's been blind for 16-years and one…

Mallard bullying police - Tolley

The Labour Party has been accused of bullying after one of its MPs appeared to threaten a high-ranking police official's…

Brown sticks with 1 million figure

Auckland Mayor Len Brown is sticking with a projected population growth figure of one million more Aucklanders.

New tax rules target overseas super payments
New tax rules target overseas super payments

Inland Revenue is getting ready to clamp down on thousands of New Zealand residents who haven't been…

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Four in a row for Warriors
Four in a row for Warriors

It might now be safe to say the Warriors are back. Tonight they won their fourth game in a row and are within touching distance…

One dead in house collapse
Devoy has Peters in sights
Outrage over Dagg's homophobic Tweet
Man critical after fall
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Claire Trevett Claire Trevett
The clock chimes utu for Peters

Winston Peters' timepiece has reached utu o'clock… More

John Armstrong John Armstrong
Dunne dusted but there's life in it yet

If the resignation of Peter Dunne has left a bad smell… More

Bryce Edwards Bryce Edwards
The bizarre and mysterious Peter Dunne scandal

Peter Dunne's downfall remains quite a bizarre mystery… More

Audrey Young Audrey Young
Kerry I'll be back to NZ

It's usually the Terminator who says "I'll be back"… More

Claire Trevett on politics

Claire Trevett: The clock chimes utu for Peters
Claire Trevett: The clock chimes utu for Peters

Winston Peters' timepiece has reached utu o'clock and how he is enjoying the resultant chiming, writes Claire Trevett. United…

More Claire Trevett on politics
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Audrey Young

Audrey Young: Haka coaching goes down a treat in DC
Audrey Young: Haka coaching goes down a treat in DC

The Air Force kapa haka group and band spent several hours yesterday with a couple of schoolboy rugby teams in Washington…

More Audrey Young

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