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Eclipse image lights dark side of moon
Eclipse image lights dark side of moon

The US space agency NASA has come up with a startling image of an eclipse.

Rock reveals likelihood of life on Mars

After almost a decade of exploring the surface of Mars, Nasa's rover has found the strongest evidence yet for the presence…

Canadian astronaut announces retirement

Chris Hadfield, the Canadian astronaut who captured worldwide attention with his stunning photos of Earth and educational…

NASA's veteran Mars rover driving to new spot

NASA's Opportunity rover is rolling across the Martian surface again, leaving behind a clay-rich rock in search of more…


Nelson landslip video Nelson landslip

A severe weather warning has been issued for the Bay…

Moderate cleric wins Iranian election video Moderate cleric wins Iranian election

Moderate candidate Hasan Rowhani has won Iran's presidential…

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Curiosity rover to head toward Mars mountain
Curiosity rover to head toward Mars mountain

Ten months after Curiosity's daring Mars landing, the NASA rover is finally about to pack up and head toward the base of…

Mission to Mars
Mission to Mars

The first people to make the perilous journey to Mars will have to cope with long periods of boredom, the constant worry…

Astronaut says space film After Earth is too noisy
Astronaut says space film After Earth is too noisy

While Buzz Aldrin enjoys movies about space, he doesn't always think the filmmakers get it right.

Tech Universe: Friday 31 May
Tech Universe: Friday 31 May

WATCHING ME WATCHING YOU: Most big telescopes are on Earth or in space looking outward. But the International Lunar Observatory…


Astronauts face radiation threat on long Mars trip
Astronauts face radiation threat on long Mars trip

Astronauts traveling to and from Mars would be bombarded with as much cosmic radiation as they'd get…

Dr Ann Bartos & John Mauro: Learn from other cities

Seattle's an economic engine, a leader in sustainability and a hub for culture and creativity, writes Dr Ann Bartos and…

American, Russian, Italian blast off into space

A Soyuz carrying an American, Russian and Italian has blasted off for a six-hour trip to the International Space Station…

Asteroid set to sail close by

Another giant space rock is set to sail by the Earth just a few months after our last close encounter - but an expert says…

NASA head views progress on asteroid lasso mission
NASA head views progress on asteroid lasso mission

The head of NASA is visiting the Jet Propulsion Laboratory where engineers are working on a proposed…

Space flights 'an absolute bargain'

Space enthusiast Mark Rocket has been waiting six years for seat on one of the world's first commercial space flights -…

Anthony Scott: Science funding can help us reach for the stars

"By the end of this decade, we will land a man on the moon and return him safely to earth." President John F Kennedy's challenge…

Wheels fall off planet hunting mission

Nasa's planet-hunting Kepler telescope is broken, potentially jeopardising the search for other worlds. The failure could…

Space tweeter returns to Earth

Chris Hadfield, whose tweets and pictures from space captured the imagination of an entire planet, has landed safely on…

Interactive: NZ from space
Interactive: NZ from space

Very few people will ever have the chance to see NZ 370km from space, but thanks to two astronauts returning…

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