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Spreading the web
Spreading the web

NZ has reached for the sky, backing Google's extraordinary plan to encircle the Earth with helium-filled balloons beaming…

Scammer clones profile

Imposters are cloning New Zealanders' Facebook profiles and winning over their friends before trying to con them out of…

Facebook in fight for facts

Facebook's top attorney says that after negotiations with US security officials the company has permission to make new…

Facebook reveals US government data requests

Facebook says that after negotiations with U.S. security officials they have permission to make very limited revelations…


Nelson landslip video Nelson landslip

A severe weather warning has been issued for the Bay…

Moderate cleric wins Iranian election video Moderate cleric wins Iranian election

Moderate candidate Hasan Rowhani has won Iran's presidential…

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Project Loon launches
Project Loon launches

Developed in the secretive Google[x] lab, today Google launched a world-first in Christchurch: Sending internet-beaming…

A music-playing bottle? That must be some kind of record
A music-playing bottle? That must be some kind of record

The world's first music-playing beer bottle has been created in New Zealand.

Google launches Project Loon
video Google launches Project Loon

Google is testing the balloons which sail in the stratosphere and beam the internet to Earth.

Google launches Project Loon in Christchurch
photos Google launches Project Loon in Christchurch

Google tests giant balloons to connect 50 New Zealand homes to the internet. It says the technology could bring websurfing…


video Hollywood returns to the slow art trend of typewriters
Hollywood returns to the slow art trend of typewriters

In this digital world where many can click, tweet, or chat on a smart phone or computer, some hipsters…

Tech titan gives industry bad name

Given the way he has lived the rest of his life, no one really expected Sean Parker - the hard-partying playboy of tech…

Mac Planet: WWDC 2013 - what does it all mean?

Apple has made its name on innovation, but is that still the case? Mark Webster says yes.

Crackdown on 3D printed guns

A law has been passed in New York in an attempt to regulate 3D printed guns. The law called the New York administrative…

Tech Universe: Friday 14 June
Tech Universe: Friday 14 June

OH, H2: There's one thing we have plenty of on this planet, and that's the ocean. So wouldn't it be…

video Push for Smartphone 'Kill Switch'

The top prosecutors in San Francisco and New York have announced a US nationwide initiative to thwart smartphone thefts.

Live blog: E3 2013

We're live blogging the E3 festivities from Los Angeles.

Microsoft: Offliners stick with Xbox 360

In a major PR gaffe for Microsoft, Xbox boss Don Mattrick's answer to critics of the new Xbox One's online requirements…


Facebook is introducing hashtags, the number signs used on Twitter, Instagram and other services to identify topics being…

Spy 'shy with strong convictions'
Spy 'shy with strong convictions'

The whereabouts of a former CIA employee who leaked top-secret documents about US surveillance programmes…

Technology Archives


Review: BlackBerry Z10
Review: BlackBerry Z10

RIM, the inventor of the original smartphone has had a hard road to travel. Having been on the sidelines watching as Apple…

Gehan Gunasekara: Orwell's worst nightmares looming large
Sample lab raises the bar
Review: LG Optimus L9
Is teleworking working?
More Wired

Mac Planet

Mac Planet: iPad 1 vs iPad 4
Mac Planet: iPad 1 vs iPad 4

I recently got an iPad 4 to play with. But since I still only have a lowly iPad 1, aka the 'original…

Mac Planet: What do we want, hope, need from WWDC?
Mac Planet: After Earth
Mac Planet: Apples in space
Mac Planet: Apple and security
More Mac Planet


Apple revamp: clean, simple
Apple revamp: clean, simple

Apple is throwing out most of the real-world graphical cues from its iPhone and iPad software in what it calls the biggest…

Apple iTunes radio unveiled
What is the next generation of gaming?
Google Maps: You are here
Review: LG Optimus L5II
More Gadgets


Game review: 'Rachet & Clank for grown-ups'
Game review: 'Rachet & Clank for grown-ups'

Outrageous weapons, explosive firefights, creative characters and a storyline involving stolen alien energy sources. On…

PS4, Xbox One name their NZ price
video E3 Trailer: Arkham Origins
video E3 Trailers: Watch Dogs
video Xbox One: Quantum Break trailer
More Games
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