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Teachers against karakia
Teachers against karakia

The NZEI union has been asked to address concerns held by some staff at Auckland's Kelston Intermediate School over reciting…

Tough luck, teachers

Early childhood teachers are being asked to take pay cuts, slash hours and even quit while parents face higher fees.

University challenge

The University of Auckland is about to shake up the neighbourhood when staff and students move into Newmarket next year…

Novopay: Second resignation at Ministry

A second senior staff member at the Ministry of Education who was involved in the Novopay project has resigned.


NRL: Warriors fourth straight win video NRL: Warriors fourth straight win

Roosters 12 Warriors 23 It might now be safe to…

Nelson landslip video Nelson landslip

A severe weather warning has been issued for the Bay…

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PPTA files class action over Novopay debacle
PPTA files class action over Novopay debacle

The Post Primary Teachers Association has filed a class action against Acting Secretary for Education Peter Hughes over…

Teacher allowed to stay in classroom
Teacher allowed to stay in classroom

A teacher who reprimanded pupils by pulling ears has been allowed to stay in the classroom after completing anger management…

Ex-chairman defends sacked principal
Ex-chairman defends sacked principal

The former chairman of Pamapuria School has defended its ex-principal, who was found to have been rightly sacked for failing…

College's tough line on cannabis
College's tough line on cannabis

A top Auckland secondary school has come down hard on a group of drug-taking students.


Student strugglers tighten belts
Student strugglers tighten belts

Low-grade mince is apparently still a staple of university life, with more than a third of students…

Turkish school honours Kiwi who spread love of science

A school in Turkey has created an award in honour of a New Zealand teacher. Dr Jan Borgdorff was living and teaching chemistry…

Peter O'Connor: Schools about more than passing exams

The release of National Standards data this week has been a meaningless exercise, writes Peter O'Connor. "The data tells…

Stewart Riddle: It's English but not always as we know it
Stewart Riddle: It's English but not always as we know it

There is a real tragedy in the loss of language diversity as English takes over, placing other languages…

Abuse case: Principal's 'failure'

A Northland school principal who took no action against paedophile teacher James Parker, despite police raising serious…

Novopay debacle: Will more heads roll?

Education Minister Hekia Parata says it is up to her top bureaucrat to decide whether more heads should roll over the Novopay…

School marks drop as kids get older

The achievement rate of primary and intermediate school children declines as their year level increases.

Student loan reprieve for Kiwis in Oz

Australia has made a concession in its hardline policies denying expatriate New Zealanders access to government support…

Editorial: Results give Parata basis for decisions
Editorial: Results give Parata basis for decisions

Editorial: If education experts are earning their salaries they ought to have devised good, sound techniques…

Education Archives

Primary Education

Toby Manhire: Leaked - Charter school for aspiring MPs
Toby Manhire: Leaked - Charter school for aspiring MPs

The report plans for the creation of a "Finishing School for New Zealand Political Aspirants - the Cabbage Boat Academy"…

More Primary Education


AOS callout in Levin
AOS callout in Levin

A 111 call to police resulted in a tense two-and-half hours for Levin residents today as armed police surrounded a house…

Devoy has Peters in sights
One dead in house collapse
Man critical after fall
Cordons in place after AOS callout
More National

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