
The magazine liftout Living is specifically designed to meet the needs of Sunday readers. Living features lifestyle and travel pages to help readers make the most of their precious family time. It also includes book reviews, Savour for cooking and dining out inspiration, mind and body, craft and gardening and DIY environments.

The entertainment content that was previously featured in View can now be found in Living - All the latest showbiz gossip, interviews with our favourite personalities and the low-down on the newest movies, music and television shows to watch out for. A full 7-day digital and free-to-air TV listings and the essential weekend crossword, puzzles and trivia are included in the new Living magazine along with Spy - a hugely popular section and the best stories from the stars to keep you entertained.

How readers engage with Living

Consumer research prior to launch revealed that Living had strong overall appeal with Herald on Sunday’s core reader segments – they liked its fresh and vibrant approach and found it full of interesting and relevant content.

What does this mean for advertisers?

Living enables you to reach a large audience of relaxed Sunday readers on a day they want to shop and our APN Media Engagement study showed that mediums that offer serendipitous advertising are more likely to trigger spontaneous purchase. Living offers advertising positions alongside content not found in the rest of the newspaper.

Reader Profile

Living is a female destination read and reaches those who are as likely to be in family life stages as they are to be empty nesters. A significant proportion are home owners and they are very interested in making home improvements. They are also very socially motivated frequenting live performances, cinema and restaurants with friends and family on a regular basis.





Source: Nielsen CMI Q1 12 - Q4 12. Based on All People 15+




Weekly, Sunday

