Weekday World

World appears in the Main Section of the weekday Herald and is our readers daily eye on the globe. With a mix of the best current affairs, social, health and environmental stories from around the planet, this section offers an exceptional view of what’s important in the world today.

How readers engage with World

World news connects people to global issues events and trends. Daily newspapers are perceived by consumers to connect them to global issues more strongly than any other media.

"If the writing gets through to you that you’re going to learn something that you didn’t “know about that aspect of things. Perhaps you can build a better picture of what’s going on.”

The World section engages through ‘altering my thoughts and feelings’ and by ‘educating’ and providing ‘social’ engagement with content ‘I can talk about’.

What does this mean for advertisers?

World is an environment where the reader is actively engaged with the paper and is considering other perspectives, the ideal position for an advertiser to bring attention to new products. World attracts a substantial audience of affluent, educated readers.

Reader Profile

Those who read World tend to be well educated, and are likely to be trusted opinion leaders. There are pronounced skews to being employed in the top three occupation groups, in which people enjoy incomes significantly ahead of the national average.





Source: Nielsen CMI Q1 12 - Q4 12. Based on All People 15+




Monday to Friday

