
HeraldJobs is an accurate gauge of the labour market, publishing practical advice on career advancement, the latest human resources trends and real-life career profiles, all from the points of view of both employer and employee. HeraldJobs appears in the Business section of the Herald every Saturday and Wednesday, and in the Mainbook on Sunday. HeraldJobs draws the attention of both active and passive job seekers. Key Appointments appear every Saturday, Wednesday and Sunday in HeraldJobs or if you prefer your vacancy can appear within Business editorial. Situations Vacant advertising appears daily.

Reach a high quality passive online audience through contextual advertising on nzherald.co.nz with our Now Hiring product. Our experienced team have created keyword lists which enable your vacancy to appear within the online editorial environment most relevant to your industry sector.

Occasionally we run special focuses on a specific market or recruitment area, please speak to your account manager to find out about what is coming up.

How readers engage with HeraldJobs

HeraldJobs attracts a mix of passive job seekers keeping an eye on the employment market and active job seekers. HeraldJobs makes finding vacancies easy and carries advertising that is relevant to job seekers.

“It is there when I read the paper. I am not actively looking for a job so there is no reason for me to go too far out of my way to search for jobs”

HeraldJobs engagement is firmly anchored in ‘educating me’ and also as a ‘pastime’ with people keeping an ‘eye out’ and ‘inspiring me’ looking for their dream job.

Why advertise?

The New Zealand Herald employment sections provide high reach to an audience of quality candidates – and our targeted environments make it easier to reach the right candidates in print and online.

Reader Profile

HeraldJobs readers are concentrated around a core of consumers between the ages of 30 and 59 years. These readers are well educated and driven to get to the top of their chosen career. HeraldJobs succeeds in attracting those actively in the market for a new job, but also those with a passive interest in the job market - keeping their ear to the ground for their dream job.





Source: Nielsen CMI Q1 12 - Q4 12. Based on All People 15+






Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday


Compact (Wednesday, Sunday) Broadsheet (Saturday)