
Girlfriend is New Zealand’s number one read teen magazine. It’s independent, smart, a little bit naughty and pretty damn cool. It’s still familiar, comfortable and trusted like a good friend but it also likes to shock you with its honesty, surprise you with its innovation, engage you with its quality and impress you with its creativity.

Girlfriend is confident, fun, loud, and pretty. She’s the leader, the kind of girl that every teenager wants to be. Girlfriend understands the importance of youth culture and gives it a home. No girl can get by without her Girlfriend.

Girlfriend gives advertisers a vehicle that will deliver results to a carefully targeted audience that offers the most trustworthy, sensitive, solution based advice for teenage girls across a range of interests key to their peer group. Girlfriend gives readers everything a girl needs to know and delivers, every month.

To find out more about advertising opportunities, or if you have any questions at all about advertising on the please contact your APN Account Manager or contact us now.

You can also find out more about advertising in the Girlfriend magazine.

Source: Nielsen Consumer and Media Insights. Q2 11 to Q1 12. AP 10+
* NZ Audit Bureau of Circulation, 12 Months to March 2012

Reader Profile

Today’s teenagers experiment with fashion, make-up and music as their sense of identity evolves. They live a high-tech life – listening to music on their iPods, watching DVDs, downloading apps on their smartphones or iPads, and staying in touch with each other at all times via txt, Facebook and Skype. Reaching 42% of all New Zealand girls aged 10-19 years, Girlfriend is their number one magazine.

They are into fashion, beauty and cosmetics, they enjoy shopping, and taking care of their appearance, and like to keep up with the latest trends and wear clothes that will get them noticed. is a hugely successful website and is packed with up-to-the-minute teen features and news, the hottest competitions with the best prizes. It goes hand in hand with the magazine to provide the ultimate advertising combination for targeting teens in New Zealand.

Source: Nielsen CMI Q3 ’11 – Q2 ’12 AP 10+, ABC July ’11 – June '12