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Beginning of article

Byline: Mike Harris

1. Politically-speaking, what has the following selection of dates in common? 1945, 1955, 1964, 1979, 1992, and 2001? 2. Why, in the world of bird classification, might Passeriformes and Struthio camelus be seen as figurative book-ends? 3. The Roman god of plant growth and a specific dwarf planet have the same name. What is it? 4. Complete the names of both the actors/actresses who won Baftas in the following years, together with the films in question. 1990 - Daniel Day --- & Dead --- Society, 1991 - Jessica --- & --- Miss Daisy, 1992 - Jodie --- & The --- of the ---, 1993 - Emma --- &--- End, 1994 - Anthony --- & The --- of the ---, …