Sunday Early General News

Herald on Sunday delivers market leading coverage across Auckland and North of Taupo. Credible, concise and covering the latest breaking news stories, Herald on Sunday contains the perfect blend of hard news, entertaining columnists and up-lifting stories from New Zealand and abroad.

How readers engage with the Early General News section of Herald on Sunday

Readers discuss the Herald on Sunday news section as providing a good concise summary of the news of the week. It is seen as a comparatively lighter read, befitting the casual mood of a Sunday.

“The front page is colourful. Has more of a magazine feel – not all the writing. I like that because Sunday people don’t want to be stressed. It gives the feeling of a lazy Sunday.”

News in the Herald on Sunday strongly engages with readers by ‘altering my thoughts and feelings’, ‘educating me’ and ‘absorbing me’.

What does this mean for advertisers?

Early General News consistently delivers an exceptionally large, broad audience of readers. Newspapers provide an environment where consumers are actively engaged with the paper. For these readers, the advertising is as important as the editorial content for discovering the best deals, services and products in the market.

Herald on Sunday offers advertisers a high quality audience, this combined with competitive rates offers tremendous value to advertisers.

Reader Profile

Nine out of ten Herald on Sunday readers will engage with Early General News content. These readers are career driven and are generally well regarded opinion leaders. They earn good money and like to invest to safeguard their future.





Source: Nielsen CMI Q1 12 - Q4 12. Based on All People 15+




Weekly, Sunday

