
Part of the APN Digital Regional Network of 12 sites, offers Aucklanders a local community hub. It is the place to go for up to the minute local and national news and also provides a platform for locals to interact with their community through commenting, noticeboards and blogs. 

The site, along with the rest of the APN Digital Regional Network, re-launched on 19 November and now offers increased functionality, easier navigation and provides locals with the tools to interact and engage with their community. Check out the new site.

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APN Digital Regional Network
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Or if you have any questions at all about advertising on please call:

(09) 373 9154 or email

For regional-wide or national advertising queries please visit the contact us page.

Reader Profile

63% of’s audience is female. 20% of the readers are over the age of 60 and further 22% are between the ages of 40-49.

14% of reader’s households have an annual income of between $60 - $80k, with a further 31% having an annual combined income of over $100k.

12% describe their occupation as Business Proprietor or Self-Employed. 27% of the audience rent, with 26% owning their own home with no mortgage. 40% of readers own their own home with a mortgage.

50% of the online readers do the majority of the house hold shopping.

34% of the readers spending between 10 – 20 hours online each week, with a further 30% spending over 20 hours a week online.

Source: Nielsen Market Intelligence Demographic Survey – April – June 2012