Herald on Sunday

The Herald on Sunday’s compact format makes for easy reading – in the cafe, in bed, or at the beach – but its content packs a big punch. We bring our readers the perfect mix of hard, relevant and lively news, investigative journalism, and in-depth sport.
Bryce Johns, Editor – Herald on Sunday


Herald on Sunday is the best read Sunday newspaper in Auckland and North of Taupo.

The new look Herald on Sunday has launched - read about it here.

Herald on Sunday includes:

Every Sunday our readers enjoy the Herald on Sunday’s engaging blend of hard news and investigative journalism, the latest sports results and two liftout lifestyle magazines:
•    Living (including Spy)

•    Herald on Sunday Homes

How readers engage with Sunday newspapers

“Just give me something that on a Sunday morning I can just enjoy a little bit.”

Sunday Newspapers engage primarily by ‘educating me’ and ‘absorbing’. Largely driven by the Sunday ‘mind set’ they are strongly positioned as ‘pastime’.

What does this mean for advertisers?

Readers actively use newspaper advertising as a source of information. Advertising, as much as editorial, gives readers a sense of their world. Plus, it keeps them in touch with new brands, services and organisations. The reader feels in control and there is no sense of manipulation because they can choose not to engage. Readers aren’t reading the newspaper once; they pick it up several times throughout the weekend.
Sunday is a great day for advertisers to communicate with customers. More than any other day of the week Sunday is the day when they can ‘digest’ the newspaper and take their time. Herald on Sunday’s competitive rates offer tremendous value to advertisers

Reader Profile

Herald on Sunday has an even gender split in its readership. Its readers are most likely to be in family households with a skew towards having younger children. Their earning potential is very strong, as they are establishing a strong career.





Source: Nielsen CMI Q1 12 - Q4 12. Based on All People 15+




Weekly, Sunday

