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Sunday 30 June 2013

Residents welcome tourism initiative but condemn 'flawed' traffic proposal

SIMPLE courtesy. That's all the residents of the Oldbridge and Donore area want from Meath County Council in relation to the new Greenway project.

Robert Reynolds, secretary of the local Sheephouse residents group, is adamant that the local people want the major tourism to go ahead, but the council need to listen to the problems too.

'This is a flawed plan. These country roads take 140 vehicles per day and that will rise to 540, that's the consultants figures. These roads can't take it. There's one called Pass If You Can - surely there's some irony in that!'

He honestly feels the one-way plan won't go ahead, but either way the road will be blocked for three to four months, with no provision for traffic calming on the country stretches.

'In the past when the Cable Bridge was being built we saw cars tumbling into Drogheda at breakneck speeds.'

Ideally, the council want cars coming from the Oldbridge area to go as far as Frank's Country Cottage in Donore and then turn right into Drogheda.

Some of those at the meeting feel that the population of Tullyallen need to be aware of what's coming.

'Those dropping students to St. Oliver's will face a long route to the school if this one-way goes ahead. They should know that,' one speaker stated.

A montessori school provider said that people have already been in contact, worried about the road system plans and suggesting they might be withdrawing their children next year.

Ivan Bell said he had 'two years of hell' when the road was closed a decade ago.

The Tubberfin Road was described as a 'crazy bottleneck' while another said they were 'fed up dragging cars out of the canal'.

Paddy McCullough from Chapter Stone said he has 40 foot trucks coming to his premises and they couldn't use the country roads.

'If it goes one way I'll be cut off from Dundalk, Navan, etc and that will cost jobs,' he said. Others businesses also said they'd be impacted.

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