Man vs Wild star Bear Grylls. Photo/supplied
Man vs Wild star Bear Grylls. Photo/supplied

**Warning: Graphic content below**

A producer for Bear Grylls' survival show Man vs Wild has been left with a gruesome injury after being bitten by a poisonous viper while walking in California.

Steve Rankin was bitten by a fer-de-lance snake, which is also known as the "ultimate pit viper".

He said he was climbing over a tree when the snake bit through his boot and into his foot.

His team helped him hobble for two hours before a helicopter could take him to a hospital in San Jose.

Rankin credited them with saving his life.

Man vs Wild star Bear Grylls tweeted a gruesome picture Rankin's foot pre-surgery, showing a large wound and exposed bone.

He said Rankin was "fighting the injury with courage".

Rankin later tweeted an equally horrifying picture of his foot post-surgery, after skin from his leg had been grafted over the wound.

See the pictures below:
