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WWII pilot taken for spin

Ninety-year-old Neil Manssen marks Anzac Day in a special way in...

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Water scheme gives farmers confidence

"This comment came to me via Email: Mr...." - ColinRiden

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FLY BOY: World War II veteran Neil Manssen was "thrilled" with his ride in the Grumman Avenger and right, all smiles when he landed.PHOTOS/BEVAN CONLEY

WWII pilot taken for spin

Ninety-year-old Neil Manssen marks Anzac Day in a special way in a 1945 Grumman Avenger, a plane he had not experienced before

  • News
  • 6:00 AM Apr 28th
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Huntley opens its doors to girls

After 117 years as a boys-only school, Marton's Huntley School is going to admit girls.

  • 6:00 AM Apr 27th
  • By Zac Yates and Lin Ferguson, news@wanganuichronicle.co.nz

DoC shake up approved 6 days after end of submissions

Just six working days after they had made extensive submissions, Conservation Department staff were told the regionalisation of their department would go ahead.

  • 6:00 AM Apr 27th
  • By Laurel Stowell, laurel.stowell@wanganuichronicle.co.nz

Nuns' century long rift is finally healed

When an 1883 Catholic congregation in Wanganui saw that their nuns had changed brown robes for black some of them cried - they thought the pope must have died.

  • 6:00 AM Apr 27th
  • By Laurel Stowell, laurel.stowell@wanganuichronicle.co.nz
WIDE-EYED EXPERIENCE: Wanganui teenager Lachlan Hughes will never forget his foray into the Middle East to play Golf Croquet for New Zealand.

Kiwi's big adventure in Egypt

It is understandable after 22 hours in flight and going 48 straight with no sleep, that a 15-year-old's memory of the Middle East would be a little foggy.

  • Sport
  • 6:30 AM Apr 27th
  • By Jared Smith, jared.smith@wanganuichronicle.co.nz
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Hawkes Bay Regional Council chief executive Andrew Newman looks at the Ruataniwha Dam site with local farmer Craig Preston.

Water scheme gives farmers confidence

The Ruataniwha Water Storage Scheme will give Central Hawke's Bay farmers the confidence to invest in infrastructure for their farming future

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This comment came to me via Email: Mr. MacFarlane is delivering false confidence to Central HB farmers based on outdated economic concepts. Being the originator and proponent of an expensive input/output analysis has not qualified Mr. Macfarlane to...

ColinRiden from Fitzherbert


Mining company Trans-Tasman Resources invited Wanganui Chronicle staffers out into the South Taranaki Bight to watch the crew of New Zealand Diving & Salvage boat Island Leader II drill holes in the sea floor to assess the ironsand resource.

Ironsand Mining

Mining company Trans-Tasman Resources invited Wanganui Chronicle staffers out... more

  • News
  • 9:53 AM Apr 20th

Morality of war paramount

ANZAC Day again saw a positive coming together of the nation with memories, tributes and, of course, a few tears.

  • Opinion
  • 1:31 PM Apr 26th
  • Mark Dawson

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'Only the dead have seen the end of war ' Plato. You seem to attack the US in the conflicts you mention yet you fail to comment on the millions killed in Africa by the inaction of European nations in their failure to respond to conflicts there. France...

Mikehem from Aramoho


Iconic landmark stolen from Auckland suburb

Iconic landmark stolen from Auckland suburb

An iconic landmark has been stolen from the Auckland suburb of Blockhouse Bay. The wooden three-metre boat which sits on the roundabout at the entrance to the area was taken on Friday night. Blockhouse Bay-Lynfield Lions Club secretary Alan Gray says it would have taken two or three people to move it. "I don't know why they took it. "It would have needed a trailer or a ute to take it.'' Alan Gray says someone might have taken it to fish, but that'll be a problem because it has a big hole in the hull.

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