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Getting attention for the wrong reasons
Getting attention for the wrong reasons

MP Aaron Gilmore has captured attention mainly for his errors.

Loss in court would cost Banks seat

Act Party leader John Banks is defending charges over allegations relating to campaign donations, but could be kicked out…

Bond of friendship withstood political parting of ways

Tariana Turia believes it was Parekura Horomia who stopped other Labour MPs from crossing the floor during the controversial…

Power plan an 'ambush'

New Zealand's leading business lobby groups say the Labour Party and the Greens have "ambushed" businesses with their controversial…

Romantic dinner disrupted by antics
Romantic dinner disrupted by antics

A Christchurch couple's romantic dinner was ruined by National MP Aaron Gilmore's "unpleasant" behaviour at the table next…

MP's apology angers fellow guest
MP's apology angers fellow guest

Updated National list MP Aaron Gilmore faces an uncertain future over claims he threatened to use his influence with the Prime Minister…

Fatty diet wreaks havoc in islands
Fatty diet wreaks havoc in islands

Pacific health experts are calling for a quota on the amount of fatty food exported to the Pacific Islands, where heart…

Where's the vision, Mr Williamson?
Where's the vision, Mr Williamson?

The policies and planks of Mayor Len Brown should be subjected to the challenge of a worthy rival in October.


Man warned to stay away from politicians after alleged threats
Man warned to stay away from politicians after alleged threats

A man accused of threatening politicians and other high-ranking officials has been warned by a judge…

Tariana Turia tearful at Horomia's tangi

The Maori Party, Tuhoe and Government Department staff who worked with Parekura Horomia when he was a minister are among…

MP's 'disgusting' behaviour

National MP Aaron Gilmore threatened to use his influence with John Key's office to have a hotel waiter sacked as part of…

Parekura Horomia mourned

The great and the common man came to farewell Parekura Horomia yesterday. On the first day of the Ikaroa-Rawhiti MP's tangi…

Leak case: fight for secrecy
Leak case: fight for secrecy

A Wellington public servant has admitted photocopying highly sensitive Cabinet committee documents.

Talk swells over MP's successor

Speculation has begun on who will contest the Ikaroa-Rawhiti byelection for Labour after the death of Parekura Horomia.

Crafar owner searching for new deals

Chinese billionaire Jiang Zhaobai, who now owns the Crafar dairy farming empire, is back in New Zealand forging a relationship…

Claire Trevett: A tax by any other name remains a tax

When confronted by the proposals for what effectively amounts to extra taxes for Aucklanders, albeit phrased differently…

Brian Fallow: Time to take stock of $40b rebuild
Brian Fallow: Time to take stock of $40b rebuild

Insurance will represent a significantly higher share of the cost of living and the cost of doing business…

Bryce Edwards: Political round-up: Evaluating the political life and achievements of Parekura Horomia

The responses to the death of MP Parekura Horomia are mainly focused on his political achievements and affability, writes…

Hundreds farewell Horomia

Heartfelt wailing was the backing track as the body of Labour MP Parekura Horomia was brought onto Hauiti Marae in Tolaga…

Minister's slot on Ellen still not sorted

Building and Construction Minister Maurice Williamson, whose speech on the marriage equality legislation made him an unlikely…

Maurice for Mayor gains support

The political right is already hailing the prospect of Maurice Williamson as Mayor of Auckland as a potential "circuit breaker"…

Backwater regions can learn from Waikato - Joyce
Backwater regions can learn from Waikato - Joyce

Economic backwaters like Northland and Gisborne should learn from the West Coast, Waikato and Taranaki…

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$11m held in mum's house
$11m held in mum's house

An elderly woman faces losing her home after letting her son keep a total of $11 million of alleged drug money in her lounge…

'Horrified' Coro St star: I'm innocent
Doomed boat overloaded on fatal trip
Vet accused of drug boost for racehorse
New clues in murder hunt
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Best of Political Analysis

Claire Trevett Claire Trevett
MP's rainbow rise gives National the blues

Never has a man moved from ridicule to glory so quickly… More

John Armstrong John Armstrong
Clever job switch for PM's press secretary

Much of the chief press secretary's job involves anticipating… More

Audrey Young Audrey Young
NZ gets a lot of attention

Why does the world biggest country pay so much attention… More

Fran O'Sullivan Fran O'Sullivan
Challenge to ride Mexican wave

Prime Minister John Key will be plugging a "new era"… More

Claire Trevett on politics

Claire Trevett: MP's rainbow rise gives National the blues
Claire Trevett: MP's rainbow rise gives National the blues

Never has a man moved from ridicule to glory so quickly. Just days before his speech on same-sex marriage, National MP Maurice…

More Claire Trevett on politics

Matt McCarten on politics

Matt McCarten: Our Afghanistan embarrassment
Matt McCarten: Our Afghanistan embarrassment

Last Sunday morning Matt McCarten was on TVNZ as a Q+A panelist.

More Matt McCarten on politics
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Audrey Young

Audrey Young: Horomia - the good and the bad
Audrey Young: Horomia - the good and the bad

The late Parekura Horomia was universally liked and respected across Parliament when he died, but he didn't always have…

More Audrey Young

Bryce Edwards on politics

Bryce Edwards: Political round-up: Racism and constitutional change
Bryce Edwards: Political round-up: Racism and constitutional change

If most NZers think their society is racist then it's probably not surprising that Susan Devoy is feeling the heat, writes…

More Bryce Edwards on politics

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