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Fatty diet wreaks havoc in islands
Fatty diet wreaks havoc in islands

Pacific health experts are calling for a quota on the amount of fatty food exported to the Pacific Islands, where heart…

World dairy prices drop 7.3pc (+graphic)

Prices have fallen more than 7 per cent in the latest global dairy auction held overnight. It comes after a slight dip in…

NZ business confidence falls, dragged down by agriculture

New Zealand business confidence fell for a second month, with the agricultural sector remaining pessimistic about the general…

Fonterra unveils new farmer milk plan

Fonterra said it would introduce a pilot scheme aimed at providing more certainty for farmers over the price they are paid…

Best of Business Analysis

Brian Fallow: Time to take stock of $40b rebuild

Insurance will represent a significantly higher share of the cost of living and the cost of doing business from here on…

How best to calculate electricity cost?

If Meridian Energy had already floated, it's a fair bet that its share price would have dropped after the Opposition unveiled…

More Best of Business Analysis
Dairy group says Chinese media got it wrong
Dairy group says Chinese media got it wrong

An industry group is continuing to defend itself against accusations that it damaged this country's lucrative reputation…

Ministry for Primary Industries chief resigns
Ministry for Primary Industries chief resigns

Ministry for Primary Industries chief executive Wayne McNee has resigned to take up a role as chief executive of Livestock…

EU eyes insecticide ban
EU eyes insecticide ban

Europe is on the brink of a landmark ban on the world's most widely used insecticides, which have increasingly been linked…

Deal promotes cooperation with China
Deal promotes cooperation with China

A new deal between New Zealand and China to promote agricultural cooperation between the two countries is an important step…


Baby formula beats drug arrests
Baby formula beats drug arrests

Arrests of infant formula smugglers have surpassed those of heroin and other drug runners at Hong Kong's…

Ben Dalton: Maori land bursting with farm potential

Primary industries generate over 70 per cent of New Zealand's merchandise exports.

Baby food story upsets NZ exporters

A stoush has erupted in the lucrative infant formula export industry after Chinese media outlets published articles about…

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