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Editorial: A dozy way to perish

Driving while tired is never a good idea.
Driving while tired is never a good idea. Thinkstock

When it comes to analysing factors that affect your driving, alcohol is self-explanatory.

Fatigue, though, is a sneaky killer.

Like many motorists, I had heard the warnings, read the stories and knew about drivers who had fallen asleep at the wheel.

Part of me, though, had wondered how on earth someone could nod off at the wheel. How could you fall asleep when mentally tuned into something as life-threatening as driving a car?

Actually, it's easy. Because tiredness "detunes" drivers mentally. I discovered this driving along the "Matamata straights" between Auckland and Rotorua. It was after a late night, I was tired, probably a bit dehydrated, and bored.

Trying to focus on the horizon, my eyes got and heavier, as if I was being hypnotised. I slowly leaned forward, eyes closed - my wife realised, and bumped my elbow. Unbelievably, I had nodded off.

The physical factors, the long, straight roads, the monotonous hum of the car ... a deadly combination. I stopped at Matamata, and napped for 10 minutes while waiting for a coffee. It was enough respite to get me home safely.

A year or so later, travelling alone, heading along the same straights, I felt my eyelids grow heavy. This time, after fighting the sensation for several minutes, I pulled over. I put the seat back, and napped. Again, it was enough to get me home.

I have also napped with the kids in the car, again, after the warning sign of heavy eyelids.

For several years, my wife and I drove five to six hours at a time on a regular basis. I discovered she had a secret weapon against fatigue - chewing gum and Coke. Studies have shown chewing gum can stimulate your senses. As for Coke - it's caffeine, pure and simple. For me, the combination of the two helps.

However, there is no substitute for common sense. If you're tired, and your eyelids feel heavy - pull over. Even better, don't even get into the car. If you end up arriving late at your destination, who cares, you're a long time dead.

Topics:  blogs, editorial

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