
“Let’s talk teen for a minute. It’s a world full of LOLs and 2H2Hs, Facebook chat, YouTube clips, smiggle and One Direction and Bieber fever – the team at Girlfriend not only get it, we love it!

The GF reader is an opinionated, passionate, friend-conscious and ambitious teen who is finding her feet in the world and figuring out what direction she wants to head in – plus, what she’ll be wearing and listening to while she does it! She is hungry for information about the coolest new bands, the latest fashion and beauty trends, life and friendship advice, exam tips, and of course, the lowdown on boys, relationships, and how to lead a happy life. Girlfriend reflects the enthusiasm and energy of Kiwi girls and provides a safe, inspiring and empowering environment for teens. If it’s on a teen girl’s mind, or about to be on their mind, it’s in Girlfriend.

We look forward to working with you to promote your brand in this fun environment.
Sarah Lynch, Editor

About Girlfriend

Girlfriend is New Zealand’s number one read teen magazine. It’s independent, smart, challenging, a little bit naughty and pretty damn cool. Girlfriend is the magazine girls seek out to guide them through all things teen, whether they’re into fashion, beauty, celebs, true teen stories or just advice about life.
Girlfriend is confident, fun, loud, and pretty. She’s the leader, the kind of girl that every teenager wants to be. Girlfriend understands the importance of youth culture and gives it a home.
No girl can get by without her Girlfriend.
Girlfriend gives advertisers a way-in to a carefully targeted, highly engaged youth audience. GF readers look to their magazine every month for trustworthy, sensitive, solution-based advice on a diverse range of topics relevant to them.

Inside Every Issue

  • up front - a directory of all that is quirky, cool, and now for teen - fashion and beauty, celeb goss, latest movies, books and music.
  • Girlfriend gets real- real true stories - Girlfriend readers’ triumphs and hardships.
  • Guru - mental and physical health and wellbeing, from a teen perspective.
  • Good Advice - sex, body and life matters. Actual reader questions answered by experts.
  • Boyfriend - a whole section dedicated to all things boys! What teenage girl doesn’t have a crush? All the advice girls need to communicate with the opposite sex – with some cute pics of celeb boys thrown in!
  • Front row - international and local celebrity interviews, reviews and of course our ever-popular posters.

To find out more about Girlfriend online click here.

Reader Profile

Today’s teenagers experiment with fashion, make-up and music as their sense of identity evolves.
They live a high-tech life – listening to music on their iPods, watching DVDs, downloading apps on their smartphones or iPads, and staying in touch with each other at all times via txt, Facebook and Skype.
Reaching 38% of all New Zealand girls aged 10-19 years, Girlfriend is their number one magazine.
They are into fashion, beauty and cosmetics, they enjoy shopping, and taking care of their appearance, and like to keep up with the latest trends and wear clothes that will get them noticed.





Source: Nielsen CMI Q1 ’12 – Q4 ’12 AP 10+, ABC Jan ’12 – Dec '12








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