Weekend Business

Business appears after World in the second section of the Weekend Herald. Weekend Herald Business is a highly credible and respected editorial environment that delivers a complete package of financial analysis, business news and market prices from the national and global markets. This section provides readers with the best market information on the key aspects of personal finance and the economy in a concise format.

How readers engage with Weekend Herald Business

Qualitative research has found that the Herald Business sections are perceived as having expertise, wisdom and intelligence. The advertising in Herald business sections is seen to be appropriate, well placed and aids the experience.

“It gives me a good overview of what’s going on. It has some quite good in-depth articles on what a particular company or a particular industry is doing.”

Business sections of the Herald engage readers strongly by ‘educating me’, it also ‘alters my thoughts and feelings’ and ‘absorbs me’.


What does this mean for advertisers?

The Business Herald delivers an affluent business audience and combines the twin benefits of a dedicated core readership of business- focussed readers, who are also high income earners. Business Herald reaches those within business who make purchasing decisions. Business Herald allows the advertiser the opportunity to influence key people within these organisations who have the responsibility for buying products and services for their company. Readers typically have a very high income and are likely to have disposable income to spend on “luxury” goods and services.

Reader Profile

Business readers are well educated, and are at the influential stages of a strong career either in a corporate environment, or in charge of their own business. They look to the Herald to help form opinions and say that people take their opinions seriously





Source: Nielsen CMI Q1 12 - Q4 12. Based on All People 15+




Weekly, Saturday

