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Port of Tauranga gears for bigger log flow

Log exports are up 11.9 per cent this year at the Port of Tauranga and it has the capacity to handle even greater quantities in the future.

  • 2:37 PM Apr 04th
  • Carmen Hall
The smuggling case has stirred up a storm.

Zespri growers will 'wear cost'

Zespri's Chinese subsidiary was last month found guilty of being an accessory to the underpayment of customs duties by its importer.

  • News
  • 1:44 PM Apr 02nd
  • Joseph Aldridge

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In the early years locals sold cuttings to Argentina and Chile for a quick buck. These countries soon then became major competitors driving the price down by flooding the market with small sized and poor quality fruit. So it's nothing unusual for some...

righteous-judge from Mt Maunganui
"Strong wool resembles a cross between Some Mothers do have 'em' and Fawlty Towers."

The Offal Pit: Is strong wool NATO?

While some Taleban will disagree, there is a joke that NATO really stands for 'No Action, Talk Only'.

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I guess the move away from wool and lamb for meat highlights the greed mentality of the people in who control the farming sector with many converting in droves because of urging from Fonterra for more dairy. There was also a major failure in the brain...

righteous-judge from Mt Maunganui
Victory for Chch couple

Victory for Chch couple

Insurance giant Tower must pay out a Christchurch couple for a like-for-like replacement on another site, after their home was damaged in the earthquakes, a judge has ruled. In an interim judgment, released today, High Court judge Raynor Asher now wants to hear more submissions from both parties on what a proper pay-out should be. Matt and Valerie O'Loughlin took their insurers Tower Insurance Ltd to court after rejecting offers to repair their cracked and broken house. In what was seen as a potentially landmark legal case, the retired couple told how their two-storey Gayhurst Rd property in…

A secret weapon for your business - CRM

Looking for a new secret weapon for your small business? Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software could be the answer.   It helps you: Win new clients or contracts Understand your customer Retain customers by giving them a better experience Decrease duplication and costly customer management.    Imagine if every... More

Telecom: Back Up Your Phone

How to back up your phone

Your phone has been for a swim. Your business contact information or vital sketches were on it and now it refuses to start.   Owners carry their business lives around on their mobile phones and tablets. If the phone was lost or broken it would be at the very least a huge nuisance. At worst important business data could be lost.   When it... More

Seamless telephony is a godsend for small business.

Small businesses sometimes pay hundreds of dollars a month more than necessary for their telephony - thanks to inertia.   Many have a mish-mash of telephony services. It's not uncommon for small businesses to cut costs significantly following a telecommunications health check, says Kelly Blomfield, business account manager at Telecom Hub... More

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Communication with a friend feels as if they are strangers once again. You know there's something brewing beneath the surface but can't...

