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Opinion: Labour breaking up over same-sex marriage


Wed, 08 Aug 2012 11:45a.m.

Sio says Labour supporting the bill could cost them 30,000 votes.

Sio says Labour supporting the bill could cost them 30,000 votes.

Opinion by Political Reporter Patrick Gower

The gay marriage bill has started to tear the Labour Party to pieces.

Labour's Mangere MP Sua William Sio has basically called for a divorce from the bill, saying it should be withdrawn - because it could cost the party the next election.

Yes, that's right - Sio says the bill could cost Labour an election.

And you can't really fault Sua's logic: he says it will wipe out the Pacific vote in South Auckland - that's Labour's heartland, that's where it wins elections.


As Sio told Radio NZ this morning: "There are weightier and more pressing issues, like holding John Key to account for the weakening economy and the lack of jobs - and that's where our priority ought to be."

Now that has to hurt David Shearer, who is out shaking hands in Nelson today trying to woo provincial voters back to Labour - while Labour's stronghold in South Auckland is burning.

Sio says homosexual law reform and civil unions cost the party about 30,000 votes - and same-sex marriage could do the same.

Losing 30,000 votes - now that should really have Shearer worried - I really don't think he can afford to lose 30,000 votes right now.

Now, the gay marriage bill is a conscience vote and plenty of MPs will vote it down because they are worried about the backlash from their constituents.

Many of these will be National MPs - and the odd Labour MP, like Damien "gaggle of gays" O'Connor.

Sio is obviously appealing to his own voter base but saying it could cost Labour the election is a pretty extreme way of doing that.

But no MP has gone so far to say it should be withdrawn - and say that it could cost Labour the election.

In private, Shearer probably agrees with Sio to an extent and wishes the bill never got drawn.

It conjures up all the images of a Labour Party obsessed by so-called "social engineering" like anti-smacking rather than issues like jobs and wages.

No wonder John Key is voting for it - it's causing Labour many more problems than it's causing National.

Along with the "Monday-ising" bill, it shows Labour is making inroads on two things - more holidays and gay marriage.

And don't forget that Sio is a big "camp Cunliffe" man - he was well and truly in David Cunliffe's corner at the last election, even doing the numbers.

As my boss Duncan Garner blogged yesterday, the Shearer/Cunliffe bitterness is far from over.

So Sio will probably get the political bash from the Labour heavies now, if he hasn't already this morning.

Sio will be in trouble for telling the truth - and of course ruining Shearer's symbolic visit to the provinces.

Labour has been having an increasingly fractious relationship with the Pacific Island vote in recent years.

Yes, there was Mike Williams' famous "get out the vote" campaign in 2005, where South Auckland voters were bussed to the booths.

But the reality is Labour says it doesn't "own" the Pacific Island vote like it thinks it does. Many voters there just don't see any alternative.

And that's why Sio is so worried.

But remember Taito Phillip Field? Well, when he ran as the conservative Christian "Pacific Party" in 2008, he got 5525 votes in Mangere.

So the votes are there - and Colin Craig knows it.

His Conservative Party would love a slice of the 30,000 votes from the South Auckland church community that Sio says could be looking for a home.

The Conservatives made a push in the area at the last election. Expect a roll call of Pacific Island candidate and a big campaign in 2014.

So the gay marriage bill seems to be the gift that keeps on giving - for John Key and Colin Craig.

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4/01/2013 7:31:42 p.m.

maria wrote:

did this turn out to be lies and propoganda or what .

28/09/2012 11:00:35 a.m.

Maria wrote:

Anyone that knows anything about the Pasifika Community, will know this is all about culture, not religion.

11/09/2012 7:26:06 p.m.

the DR wrote:

but will it be aloud in tuhoeville???

5/09/2012 11:00:04 a.m.

TIM wrote:

one day the peasants will hunt down the media people and destroy them for their lies and corruption . the press here has no more freedom than they do in Russia .

5/09/2012 11:00:03 a.m.

TIM wrote:

one day the peasants will hunt down the media people and destroy them for their lies and corruption . the press here has no more freedom than they do in Russia .

3/09/2012 4:33:41 p.m.

Shaun Waugh wrote:

@Paul. Remove the mild sounding indirect language & expressions & I see you're advancing the same discriminatory view against gay marriage. A stance you justify using a false "appeal to the people" argument. This fallacy is basically: "If many believe so, it is so"—a mere assertion. Thinking this way is the basis of the communal reinforcement phenomena that you mention—an idea is repeatedly asserted in a community, regardless of sufficient empirical evidence to support it. Over time, the idea is reinforced to become a strong belief in the minds of many, & may be regarded as fact or truth. Such ideas are reinforced by the media, or exploited by career politicians like Sio & his ilk. The phrase "millions of people can't all be wrong" is indicative of the tendency to accept such ideas without question, which aids in the acceptance of bigoted views. This bandwagon effect is a dangerous form of groupthink. It undermines the individual's ability to make rational choices based on the evidence. Binary thinking like this drives devout Christians to firebomb abortion clinics as "faith-based" acts of virtue, or Baptists to form pickets at the funerals of gay servicemen.
But all that's a distraction, my criticism is directed to Sio, God's institutions on earth & their despicable PR campaign. I don't presume that spokesmen for the Church speak for everyone in their flock, or even a majority, or their clergy. Within the UK Catholic Church Rev Scott McKenna, Church of Scotland minister for Mayfield Salisbury Parish in Edinburgh, said recently: "In opposing equality, churches reinforce homophobia in society and that can lead to pain, low self-respect and, in some cases, violence. In the end this is about people who are on the receiving end of prejudice and are suffering because of that. The cycle needs to be broken."
The issue of marriage equality in the 21st century remains a simple ethical choice for each of us, as individuals, do we support discriminatory laws or not?

1/09/2012 2:52:08 p.m.

paul wrote:

Patrick What a load of tripe.I live in the Mangere electorate,And have been heavily involved in the last two elections.And i can tell you that Sio is well thought of by all the races in Mangere more so than you or other people like to think. Sio calls a spade a spade,and not a fork no matter what you or other people have to say,the people of Mangere appreciate that,and with his stand on the Gay Marriage Issue his vote will increase whether you try to stop or put him down or not.

1/09/2012 4:25:04 a.m.

Shaun Waugh wrote:

@Rod, your expressions of veiled and indirect malevolence towards gays in your comment amounts to a "culture war" you've declared against them. Those who use virulent, poisonous hate speech laced with emotionally loaded terms "we do our communities and ourselves no good when we endorse behavior patterns that are dangerous, reckless, deadly and antithetical to a healthy society" are guilty of incitement, of actively encouraging and emboldening vigilantism and acts of public hatred against gays. Between the misleading lines of your anti-gay views, the mild sounding euphemisms, the dark innuendo and self-contradictions, I see you claim to have the goal of "restoring" traditional family values and morals in NZ. You claim they are under threat due to an alleged "Homosexual Agenda" and imply LGBT people and activists are engaged in a well thought-out plan to take over the world. Your arguments echo those of renowned U.S. hatemonger from the Christian Right, Holocaust revisionist Scott Lively. Lively promotes in his book, The Pink Swastika, the argument that not only are gays seeking to take over the world, but they also threaten society by causing higher rates of divorce, child abuse, and HIV/AIDS. According to him legalizing homosexuality is on par with accepting "molestation of children or having sex with animals," and according to Lively, LGBT issues cannot be considered human rights issues. The socially divisive tactics of the US Christian Right's anti-gay culture war, which we see being exported to New Zealand by you, are hideous and deplorable. Your nightmare of Stone Age morals and mysticism has long outstayed its usefulness in discussions of public policy and your toxic ideas are not welcome.

29/08/2012 4:43:28 p.m.

Carlos wrote:

Excellent news !

29/08/2012 3:11:48 p.m.

Craig Young wrote:

Rod...I feel that way about pedophilia, child sexual abuse and rape. Those are far more harmful and such pathologies can and must not be tolerated within a civilised society. Would that social conservatives could expend as much venom on those issues as they do with those related to consenting adult relationships.

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