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Blog: Habits of happiness
Blog: Habits of happiness

Do any of these sound familiar? I have to stay in this job or we won't be able to make the mortgage, I have no choice. I…

Rebecca Kamm: Will Pinterest for men last?

How long will Manteresting last? Is the gathering of inspirational imagery a predominantly female or “gatherer” instinct?…

Shelley Bridgeman: How to profit from the poor

What do you think of businesses that profit from low income households? Is it okay or is it unconscionable?

Nicky Park: These fruits are berry good for you

Life & Style Editor Nicky Park speaks to an international berry expert about why these fruits are so good for you.


Dads stay away from sex talk Dads stay away from sex talk

Fathers do not want to answer their children's questions…

Rod Stewart ashamed over past breakups Rod Stewart ashamed over past breakups

Rod Stewart is "ashamed" of running away from his…

More Relationships
Rebecca Kamm: What do men think of makeup?
Rebecca Kamm: What do men think of makeup?

What do men think of your makeup? This question is started to grind Rebecca Kamm's gears. And it just refuses to die.

Shelley Bridgeman: Why do fat people get a bad rap?
Shelley Bridgeman: Why do fat people get a bad rap?

It's been two years since I wrote about our deplorable attitudes towards fat people in a piece entitled Fat activism …

Louise Thompson: Awareness of limiting beliefs
Louise Thompson: Awareness of limiting beliefs

How do you recognise the way beliefs drive your life?

Don Kavanagh: Hail, the mother country
Don Kavanagh: Hail, the mother country

For drinkability's sake, Don Kavanagh begs brewers to go easy on the hops.

Life & Style comment

Blog: Murder trial obsession

Blog: Murder trial obsession

The Mormon murder trial is currently playing out in the US media like an exquisitely written soap opera, and Rebecca Kamm is enthralled.


Shelley Bridgeman: Would you eat roadkill?

Shelley Bridgeman: Would you eat roadkill?

Have you ever sampled roadkill cuisine? What was it like? Would you try it if the opportunity arose or are you flat against it?


Rebecca Kamm: Taking aim at the 'zombie ex-girlfriend'

Rebecca Kamm: Taking aim at the 'zombie ex-girlfriend'

Target manufacturers ZMB Industries is selling a "zombie ex-girlfriend tactical mannequin target" that bleeds when it's shot.


Blog: Favourite useless objects

Blog: Favourite useless objects

In an age when we're supposed to be environmentally aware and try to conserve the planet's resources, in theory we should all have become more discerning consumers.


Blog: Habits of happiness

Blog: Habits of happiness

This new series expands on the foundation of the 10 happiness principles we covered in the happiness audit. It’s called habits of happiness and it’s a natural next step from the principles we have already discussed.


Don Kavanagh: Irish, Kiwis get in spirit

Don Kavanagh: Irish, Kiwis get in spirit

Everyone's a winner in a whisk(e)y contest, Don Kavanagh discovers.

Is living alone dangerous?

Is living alone dangerous?

If I wasn’t a wife and mother I could easily imagine myself living on my own as I did for a couple of years in my early twenties.


Blog: Baby fever fairy tales

Blog: Baby fever fairy tales

There's no better way to make women want babies than to treat women like babies, so nine months from now the rewards shall be reaped.


Shelley Bridgeman: What not to say to grieving people

Shelley Bridgeman: What not to say to grieving people

It's never easy to know what to say to the recently bereaved. What acts of kindness do you recommend to support grieving people?


Louise Thompson: 2013 Happiness Audit: Progress check

Louise Thompson: 2013 Happiness Audit: Progress check

Here is your recap of what we have learned in our 12- part happiness audit so you can check in and see where you are.

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