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GCSB changes revealed
GCSB changes revealed

Prime Minister John Key has announced sweeping changes to GCSB's powers, saying failure to do so would leave New Zealand's…

Groser's director-general bid no longer 'a long shot'

Trade Minister Tim Groser says his bid to become the next director-general of the World Trade Organisation is no longer…

Politics: Spy scandal a bipartisan mess

Having finally landed some direct blows on John Key's credibility (after so many frustrated attempts) Labour now faces a…

Dotcom will seek compensation

Kim Dotcom will be seeking compensation through a fresh court action against the Government Communications Security Bureau…

John Armstrong on politics

PM digging out of GCSB hole PM digging out of GCSB hole

Climbing out of a self-dug hole will be a major test…

John Armstrong: Mystery over leaked GCSB report John Armstrong: Mystery over leaked GCSB report

If Bill Englishis found to be wrong and has misled…

More John Armstrong on politics
Labour open to vote for NZ spying
Labour open to vote for NZ spying

Labour would consider allowing the GCSB to spy on New Zealanders in limited circumstances but only if that was recommended…

Mighty River offer opens to public
Mighty River offer opens to public

Brokers and analysts are predicting a strong take-up of Mighty River Power shares as the offer opens to the public today…

Family First's 'offensive' flyer ruled okay
Family First's 'offensive' flyer ruled okay

A complaint about an anti-gay marriage brochure, criticised as being "extraordinarily offensive", has been dismissed by…

Spy bureau refuses to say if Kiwis' details shared overseas
Spy bureau refuses to say if Kiwis' details shared overseas

The spymasters facing questions over possible illegal spying on 88 New Zealanders will not say what details were supplied…


US approves Japan's entry into TPP talks
US approves Japan's entry into TPP talks

The United States has approved Japan's entry into negotiations on the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a critical…

United approach vital to China success

Katherine Rich Chief executive, New Zealand Food and Grocery Council. "The message is that companies which aren't doing…

Political key to fixing housing bubble

Business editor Liam Dann is stumped as to what possible benefit the rise in the value of his house offers him.

David Thornton: Rush to rezone: an open letter to the mayor

Dear Len Brown, I have been to many meetings on the draft Unitary Plan (UP) and have had innumerable discussions with residents…

Editorial: Council needs to step up and fight for city's unitary plan
Editorial: Council needs to step up and fight for city's unitary plan

Editorial: Auckland's newly promulgated unitary plan has entered a rocky stretch of water called local-body…

Green's campaign to ease traffic

The Green Party has launched a campaign it hopes will convince Aucklanders to support the proposed City Rail Link.

NZ benefit numbers drop

The Government says there are 29,000 fewer Kiwis receiving benefits since the last quarter - including hundreds who had…

PM: Our job is unfinished

Prime Minister John Key says he is "honest and upfront", and committed to leading National to the next election.

Bernard Hickey: Stop yakking and show us the houses
Bernard Hickey: Stop yakking and show us the houses

Bernard Hickey says gums have been flappin' aplenty this week over the dangers of a housing boom.

Rodney Hide: Time weakens all strengths

Rodney Hide recalls John Key entering a crowded function soon after his election . He exuded warmth, fun and positivity.

Matt McCarten: Ministers without a clue

It takes a lot to get Aucklanders riled, writes Matt McCarten. "When they do, governments fall."

Damien Grant: Dunne's drug bill's a blinder but should go further

Damien Grant writes: Peter Dunne was in Austria last month addressing the United Nations on his Psychoactive Substances…

Photo recall: Deposed, the bitterness showed

After nine years of hogging the limelight, Robert Muldoon found himself on the fringe in 1984. Four months earlier, the…

John Minto after mayoralty
John Minto after mayoralty

Veteran activist John Minto is asking his political party to approve a run for mayor of Auckland. The…

Politics Archives

Best of Political Analysis

Bryce Edwards Bryce Edwards
Politics: Spy scandal a bipartisan mess

Having finally landed some direct blows on John Key's… More

Claire Trevett Claire Trevett
Infighting puts Maori Party neck on the line

Fans of the rather spectacular David Attenborough… More

Audrey Young Audrey Young
NZ gets a lot of attention

Why does the world biggest country pay so much attention… More

Fran O'Sullivan Fran O'Sullivan
Challenge to ride Mexican wave

Prime Minister John Key will be plugging a "new era"… More

John Armstrong John Armstrong
National's SkyCity damage control

National's damage control strategy has been to try… More

Claire Trevett on politics

Claire Trevett: Infighting puts Maori Party neck on the line
Claire Trevett: Infighting puts Maori Party neck on the line

Fans of the rather spectacular David Attenborough Africa series will have observed similarities between the great giraffe…

More Claire Trevett on politics

Matt McCarten on politics

Matt McCarten: Drip, drip ... time is running out
Matt McCarten: Drip, drip ... time is running out

Matt McCarten believes it's not the crime that brings you down - it's the cover-up.

More Matt McCarten on politics
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Audrey Young

Audrey Young: Charm and NZ-China friendship need boost of Fifth Milestone
Audrey Young: Charm and NZ-China friendship need boost of Fifth Milestone

When John Key met his second Chinese vice-premier in two days yesterday, he and Wang Yang shared a joke about the photo…

More Audrey Young

Local Government

Showdown for Auckland port plans Showdown for Auckland port plans

Auckland Council will host a battle of the giants…

Parks rangers' morale 'rocked' Parks rangers' morale 'rocked'

Auckland regional park rangers' morale has been rocked…

More Local Government

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