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eMarketer talks Facebook advertising

Get eMarketer’s seven keys to Facebook ad platform success.

The first part of 2012 got off to a slow start when it came to planning Facebook ad spending. Advertisers spent more conservatively and looked for other channels to drive revenue. Although that trend may not last for long.

Facebook recently announced that it would start allowing advertisers to place Premium ads in users' news feeds by tapping the technology that supports marketplace. Advertisers have been waiting for the chance to publish relevant content directly into users' news feed — and now they can.

Marketplace, has greatly evolved and targeting has dramatically improved. Advertisers can learn from the tactics and techniques these marketers use, whether their goal is performance or branding. Here are three of the seven keys to Facebook ad success eMarketer’s report discusses:

  • Let technology do the heavy lifting
  • Place a high value on speed
  • Combine premium and marketplace ads for greatest impact

Fill out the form and download eMarketer’s “Facebook advertising: Why the Marketplace ad platform deserves a second look.”