NB: Please check the answers below before sending us an email about a technical problem. If you do not find the problem you are having answered below then email us

Contact this site

To send in a news tip, photos or give feedback about an online story go here

Or to contact a specific reporter, at the bottom of articles written by a Herald editorial writer you will see a link in blue that says Email (name of the author). Click on that to send an email directly to the author. If there is no email listed, click here and put in the subject line Attention (and the name of the person).

All general enquires and feedback about the site go here

Your Views / Blogs: To contact the community editor about an issue related to Your Views or blogs such as registration or a posting published, go here

To inquire about advertising go to our advertising section

Technical Issues

Why am I not seeing today's news?

We update the news throughoutthe day. If you are still seeing a previous day's news or an incorrect date when you log into nzherald.co.nz, it is to do with your Internet browser which is usually either Internet Explorer or Firefox.

You need to clear what is called the cache, as it is bringing you an old version of our site. If you are using Internet Explorer (the one with the blue e) go to this Microsoft page to see what you need to do.

Or here

If you are using Firefox (which has an orange icon) go here

How do I make the font size bigger?

If you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer (versions 4 and higher):

  1. Open your web browser
  2. In the upper menu title bar select Tools then Internet Options
  3. In the Internet Options window, choose the General tab if it has not opened by default.
  4. In the bottom right hand corner of the General window, click on the Accessibility button
  5. Under the Formatting heading in the Accessibility window, tick the third box, which says "Ignore font sizes specified on web pages"
  6. Click on the OK button at the bottom of the Accessibility window. The Accessibility window will close.
  7. Click on the OK button at the bottom of the Internet options window. The Internet Options window will close.
  8. In your web browser, go to the upper menu bar and select View, then Text Size, then choose the size you prefer. The text size will instantly change to the setting you choose.

Why does my computer crash when I try to access stories?

Occasionally users have reported a problem. Here are some suggestions, which have often worked well to resolve similar problems for other users:

  • Although nzherald.co.nz has been designed and tested to work on all common browsers, sometimes the combination of software installed on individual PCs can lead to problems. So it's worthwhile upgrading to the latest version of your browser, or trying a different browser (e.g. Firefox or Safari)
  • It can often help to isolate the problem if you try a different computer. Even though other websites are fine, there may be something about that particular computer that reacts badly to one of the components on our website.
  • Try uninstalling Flash - the instructions are here. Once Flash is uninstalled, visit nzherald.co.nz again. Internet Explorer should prompt you to re-install Flash.
  • Some people have reported problems with Symantec / Norton Internet Security (also Norton 360). Although it's a little drastic, you could try switching to another Antivirus / Firewall package. A couple of common examples are Trend Micro Internet Security (easily available at NZ computer retailers) or AVG Free and ZoneAlarm Free Edition (if you're confident in your technical skills, these packages are free and can be downloaded from the Internet). NB: APN Online (NZ) Ltd doesn't endorse any particular security software please use at your own risk.
  • Our site uses Javascript and if you have it turned off in the options in your browser you will not get some features displayed such as headlines on the right hand side of the page. We upgraded our website to enable pages to load faster for readers and as a result you need Javascript turned on in your options - otherwise it will not display the headlines.
  • Mac users: As the site uses Javascript, this may cause problems for people with early versions of Apple's Safari web browser. Apple did not support Javascript on earlier Macs and earlier versions of Safari especially version 1.2. Apple also does not allow you to upgrade to their latest Safari unless you have a newer Mac operating system. That means that you may experience crashes when you access our site. We are trying to find a technical solution but it is not possible for us to do a web site version without javascript at this stage so our only suggestion at this stage is to download the Firefox browser.

If you still have an issue, let us know but please include any details you can provide about your computer - such as which version of Windows are you using? (e.g. XP, Vista) and which Antivirus program are you using? (e.g. Norton 360, Trend MicroInternet Security Pro, etc). If you have other issues for which you can provide a screenshot, that is always helpful in enabling our technical staff to investigate. Send your report here

Content: I cannot find a story that was in the newspaper

We try to publish as much of the newspaper on the site as we can but we do not publish every story, article or feature as the site is not an exact digital reproduction of the newspaper. Likewise, our online staff also produces material exclusively for the site so some of that material may not be found in the print newspaper. Sometimes there may also be a delay on the time when we can put on the site certain material that appears in the newspaper.

Rights that we have to publish certain things in the newspaper may not cover online rights and so sometimes we do not have the rights to a story. For instance, it could be a wire agency story, which forbids online publication of it. Some of the material that is not available includes:

  • Any articles to which we do not have the electronic publishing rights
  • The letters to the newspaper editor page that appears in the print edition
  • Some special edition supplements and special reports
  • Some photographs
  • Some tables, charts and information graphics
  • Crosswords and some similar puzzles, games and horoscopes that might appear in the newspaper

RSS feeds

Real Simple Syndication (RSS) is a free way for us to send you the news straight to your computer. Simply, it lets you know we have added new content to the website about your favourite subject.

You can see stories, pictures and multi-media in one place as they are published. Rather than browse or search nzherald.co.nz for new content related to specific types of news, you can subscribe to the related RSS feed and we will send the news to you. When content on nzherald.co.nz is updated, it will be sent straight to your RSS reader and available for you to view at your leisure. RSS feeds contain a headline, summary and a link back to the full story on the website. RSS is simple, free and only takes a few minutes to set up.

You can get an RSS feed of your favourite content wherever you see the orange RSS icon on our site. It appears at the top of every story.

How do I use RSS?

It's easy.

The first thing you need is an RSS reader. This is software that checks your feeds and lets you read new content as its added. There are some good RSS readers available and they do not take long to access.

Generally, RSS readers come in two kinds. You can download a dedicated desktop reader. This allows you to store it on your main computer. Or you can set up a browser-based news reader. This allows you to catch up with your feeds from any computer, and it does not need a software download.

Wikipedia, the free online encyclopaedia, has links to more than a hundred different RSS readers in its list of news aggregators. All you have to do is go to an RSS reader and follow the instructions on set-up.

On this page you will find links to some of the more common RSS readers.

Some of the more common web-based readers are:
- Bloglines
- My Yahoo!
- Google Reader
- Rojo
- Newsgator (Web-based package)

Some of the more common readers based on a software download are:
- Newsgator (Software-based package)
- FeedReader
- FeedDemon
- RSSBandit
- NewzCrawler
- NetNewsWire

How do I get a Herald RSS feed?

Once you have a reader, you can start deciding what Herald content you want to receive. For instance, you may want to receive Herald Entertainment News or our feed on Politics. There are literally hundreds of RSS feeds of Herald content you could receive.

There are several easy ways you can set up your Herald RSS feed.

One way is to go to a page you like and look for the orange RSS icon.

Click on it. If you have Internet Explorer 7.0 or Firefox 1.0 and above, it will automatically add the feed to your reader.

If you have an earlier version of Internet Explorer, you will be taken to a new page. Cut and paste the url of that page into your feed reader. Your reader will tell you how to save it. You are now enabled for that feed.

Don't worry, it's not as daunting as it sounds.

There is another way to access our RSS feeds. Look at the bottom left of a story or section page. There is a box headed 'Subscribe to this RSS feed'.

Now click on the link headed 'View RSS feeds'. It takes you to a page with all the different feeds you can receive. Highlight which you want, then click on RSS. This will give you a url. Just copy the address into your RSS reader.

Once enabled, you will start being sent any new content from that feed.

Community: How to send in comments for Your Views and Blog postings

For details on how to register for and send in comments, click here.

Why can't I comment on every article?

Currently all submitted comments are reviewed by moderators before any are posted online. There are a number of reasons for this. Unfortunately NZ is not as liberal as some countries when it comes to online defamation laws meaning that the owner of the website can be held legally responsible as well as the author of comments and articles put online. We would love to get to the point where we can allow comments to be posted without checks before they go up so that is certainly our long term wish but it will require a law change and there is no sign of that. So it would require a massive staff of moderators to do it for all articles.


You must not reproduce any part of our staff writers' materials on your website without seeking permission. We do not own copyright to work by certain freelance writers and news wire services. We have a flexible package that allows our partners to place certain content on their site. Pricing is dependent on the amount and type of content required. Please send your request to the online editor.

Death Notices: Where to find them online

Death notices can be found here.

Email Newsletters

You can get regular free updates in your email of what we have online. Go here to see what we have available and how you can easily sign up.

Privacy & terms of use

Go here for our privacy policy and here for terms of use.

Search: How to search and how to find old stories

Many stories from the Herald print edition since late 1998 are available among the stories on this website. Use the Search function to search all of the news archives. This is located in the top right hand corner of any site page. The headlines and/or story text will not necessarily be exactly the same as in the print edition, however. When your search returns some search results, scroll down the bottom to find an advanced search option where you can search for an exact phase.

Submitting news tips & photos

We welcome your news tips or photos of a news event. Send them here


You can access nzherald.co.nz feeds on Twitter. You can follow us at www.twitter.com/nzherald for our up-to-the-minute feed that brings you stories uploaded onto our site during the day or choose to get a selection of news from various sections of nzherald such as business, sport, NZ stories and technology.

If you're not familiar with Twitter, it's one of the fastest growing trends online - growing by 2 million users a month. It's a free social networking and micro-blogging service that allows users to send updates (known as tweets) which are text-based posts of up to 140 characters in length. Twits send three million updates a day. You can send the messages by email, chat and mobile. Go to our Twitter feeds

Widgets: What they are and how to get a News Feed on your site

Go here to learn about our widgets.

About Us

APN News & Media is one of the region's most broadly-based and successful media companies. In addition to publishing New Zealand's leading metropolitan newspaper, The New Zealand Herald, APN is the largest operator of regional newspapers, radio broadcasting and outdoor advertising in Australasia.

You will find links to our other sites here

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