The jubilant NZ Breakers. Photo / Getty Images
The jubilant NZ Breakers. Photo / Getty Images

The post-match celebrations were long and loud, but the New Zealand Breakers are promising there's some gas in the tank for a public bash today.

After their historic 70-66 victory over the Perth Wildcats early yesterday morning, the jubilant team turned heads as they noisily arrived back at their hotel in Perth, pink cocktails soon in hand.

The Breakers grabbed their third Australian National Basketball League title in a row, fending off a last-ditch fightback from the Wildcats in the fourth quarter.

The Kiwis started the third quarter on an 11-0 run, but the Wildcats cut their lead to one point before plays from Cedric Jackson, Alex Pledger and CJ Bruton sealed the win.

Breakers chief executive Richard Clarke said the players enjoyed celebrating with Kiwi fans at the hotel bar after the game but they couldn't wait to get home.

"They're really looking forward to meeting the fans at home and celebrating with them."

He invited the public to a party on the ground floor of the Sky Tower between 4pm and 5pm today.

"It's an opportunity for people to come along and meet the guys and see the trophy."

Prime Minister John Key congratulated the Breakers for their "fantastic clean sweep of the best-of-three final series.

"The Breakers have shown for the third season in a row that they're in a class of their own. I hope coach Andrej Lemanis and the team have a well-deserved celebration this weekend."

- Herald on Sunday

By Cherie Howie Email Cherie