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Online shops save time for busy worker
Online shops save time for busy worker

Gemma Shields can't remember the last time she bought clothes in a store.

Kiwis crave online convenience

Kiwis are increasingly becoming "convenient consumers" as they choose to shop and watch TV when it suits them.

Viral hit: Shark surprises fisherman

A Hawaii fisherman has an unbelievable fishing tale: a close encounter with a 2.7 metre shark that jumped dangerously near…

Facebook founder gets political

Facebook chief executive Mark Zuckerberg and other Silicon Valley leaders have launched a political group.

Google lets users manage digital afterlife
Google lets users manage digital afterlife

Google has launched a tool that lets users decide what happens with their email, Google Plus and other accounts after they…

Rebecca Kamm: Will Pinterest for men last?
Rebecca Kamm: Will Pinterest for men last?

How long will Manteresting last? Is the gathering of inspirational imagery a predominantly female or “gatherer” instinct?…

Bitcoin hacker currency bursts into mainstream
Bitcoin hacker currency bursts into mainstream

Bitcoins have moved from the world of internet oddities to the cusp of mainstream use.

Police role dies with tweets
Police role dies with tweets

If waking up to find your old tweets dredged up and splashed on the front page of a Sunday newspaper wasn't enough of a…


Facebook muscles in on Android users
Facebook muscles in on Android users

With its new "Home" on Android gadgets, Facebook is trying to prove that a company doesn't have to make…

Kiwi angels see US meet as heaven sent

More than 20 Kiwi start-up investors are hoping to forge links with their counterparts from around the world at a major…

Microsoft leading dominance complaint against Google

A group of companies led by Microsoft have called on European authorities to launch an antitrust investigation into Google's…

Android new target of Europe anti-trust probe

A group of companies led by Microsoft have called on European authorities to launch an antitrust investigation into Google's…

Rural broadband yet to deliver
Rural broadband yet to deliver

Rural communities are yet to see most of the benefits from a $500 million scheme to boost internet coverage…

Facebook fans forced to pay up

Facebook users have to pay 65 cents to message anyone outside their group of friends - unless they're contacting people…

Facebook post spawns riotous party

Social media is used overseas to incite democracy and create revolutions - but here it's used to organise "booze-fests"…

Editorial: Laws against cyber-bullying welcomed

Editorial: Any curb on freedom of speech is a serious step that should never be taken without good reason.

British Library sets out to archive the web

Capturing the unruly, ever-changing internet is like trying to pin down a raging river. But the British Library is going…

Telecom sticks with Yahoo! after hacking
Telecom sticks with Yahoo! after hacking

Telecom will keep its email relationship with Yahoo! after feedback from customers that they valued…

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