It used to be that being a flight attendant was regarded as one of the most glamorous jobs in the world. But gone are the days of the long and leisurely stopovers for cabin crew. Here are five pet peeves that will test your hostie’s smile.

A "please" and "thank you" goes a long way on a flight. Photo / Thinkstock

"Please" and "thank you" goes a long way the world over, but all too often the steward is fobbed off with a "what ya got?" and "gimme a coke". And when a passenger is offered a meal they don't like, it's really not manners to screw up your nose and say "ewww" when a "no, thank you" will do.

Phone Addict
We've probably all been guilty of this: Those who insist they're about to turn off their phones after they've been asked numerous times. They think once the steward walks past it's okay to send a couple more texts or tweets, it's not like the plane is in the air! Beware, you are being watched.

Headset Guy
The guy who is so busy watching the movie that he doesn't respond when asked "Would you like something to drink?" Again, "would you like something to drink?" Wave in front of face. Wave in front of face again at which point he looks up confused. "Would you like a drink?" tries the hostie again. "What?" he shouts. Hostie motions to mouth to imply someone drinking. "Ahh, gimme a coke."

Rubbish Disposer
Passengers who think hosties are also the airplane cleaners and hand them rubbish during their in-flight service are a pet hate. Especially the ones who insist on wedging it onto the trolly, sometimes sticking it into glasses or the ice bucket.

There are some who don't think twice about offloading dirty disposable nappies either or wiping their pits and bits with the complimentary hot towel and trying to thrust the offending cloth into the steward's hands.

Free crèche
This is also highly annoying for fellow passengers, but did you know crew are not crèche workers? Believe it or not, there are parents who let their kids run wild on the plane (shock, horror) and then expect and even ask the flight attendants to watch them, or worse, entertain them.


By Megan Singleton